How to Boost eCommerce Revenue with Customer Verification

The digital eCommerce market appears to be growing continuously, attracting new industry players all around the world. In 2022, eCommerce sales surpassed $1 trillion, setting a new record, as reported in Comscore’s 2023 State of Digital Commerce Report, marking a 21% increase compared to the previous year. [source] One of the main challenges why businesses … Continued

Phoenix 101: Exploring the Admin & WebApp Template

Phoenix 101: Exploring the Admin & WebApp Template

Get ready to dive into the world of Phoenix, the kick-ass admin & webapp template powered by Bootstrap 5. In this talk, we’ll dig deeply into Phoenix Admin & WebApp Template and show you how you can take advantage of its power in your own development. Whether you’re a coding newbie craving a solid foundation … Continued

Falcon 101: Exploring the Admin & WebApp Template

Falcon 101: Exploring the Admin & WebApp Template

If you’re developing a web application that requires an administrative backend, you might be wondering how to design and build an effective user interface that allows administrators to manage and monitor their system. This is where Falcon Admin & WebApp template comes in handy. Admin dashboard templates are pre-built user interfaces designed to provide a … Continued

Power of Website Themes: Mastering the Art of E-Commerce Trust Building

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business, especially in the e-commerce industry. With the growing popularity of online shopping, it is becoming increasingly important for e-commerce websites to establish trust with their customers. Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship, and this is particularly true in … Continued

Choosing the Right Multichannel Ecommerce Software for Your B2B Business

Choosing multichannel eCommerce software can be a daunting task for businesses of all sizes. In the B2B world, where customers expect the same level of service and support that they receive from B2C companies, you need to make sure that your multi-channel eCommerce solution is up to par. Fortunately, there are many great options available today—so … Continued

How To Secure Your Online Business Against Cyberattacks?

How To Secure Your Online Business Against Cyberattacks?

Online business is lucrative, but it comes with the risk of cyber-attacks, which have become a routine event these days.  You can hear news about data breaches or some other types of attacks regularly; criminals use new techniques to steal customers’ information and hack websites.  Many businesses have suffered massive losses because of cybercrimes. To … Continued

Efficient Data Visualization Charts for Your Dashboard

Efficient Data Visualization Charts for Your Dashboard

As web development is taking newer turns every other day, developers are designing every UI component with careful consideration and well-structured plans. Now is the time for interactive design development, which calls for interactive user interfaces on websites. As a result of the growth of eCommerce has hiked the demand for charts and graphs on … Continued

<strong>4 People You Should Hire To Boost Your Business’s Online Presence</strong>

4 People You Should Hire To Boost Your Business’s Online Presence

It is essential for almost all businesses to establish and maintain a strong digital presence right now. This has been clear for some time now, but it is increasingly backed up by numbers as well. A Forbes article on brand building posted in 2020 noted that by that time, 85% of consumers were researching online before making … Continued

Privacy trends businesses can follow in 2022

Data privacy and the collection and usage of user information have been major hot topics for the past two years. For a while now, organizations—from startups to corporations—have been collecting data on their customers to create algorithms and products that cater to them better. However, as more and more companies worldwide fall victim to data … Continued

7 Tips for Internationalization in E-Commerce

We all know that marketplaces like eBay and Amazon are extremely popular, representing a huge portion of the online retail sales industry. Whether you’re just starting as an e-commerce entrepreneur or you’re looking to expand into foreign markets, there are some things you need to keep in mind when doing business internationally. In this post, … Continued

35+ Best eCommerce Website Templates for your Business

35+ Best eCommerce Website Templates for your Business

If you’re familiar with business statistics, you know that an estimated 2.14 billion people are to be served by ecommerce, as it is a fast-growing trend. What do you think the reason is? Ecommerce enables operating businesses from a changed ground since reaching out to a wider range of potential customers gets easier and more … Continued

Powerful Ways to Enhance Your E-Commerce Customer Service

Have you recently set up your e-commerce store, or are planning to do so soon? In a growing digital-first retail world, customer service is one of the most important aspects when it comes to running an e-commerce store. Over 80% of consumers consider customer service as a key role in their purchasing decisions, according to … Continued

9 Cybersecurity Tips for Small Business

Cybersecurity has always been an area of concern for businesses but the past year has seen even greater focus. 2020 displayed a conclusively quarter-on-quarter increase in new malware threats across the entire year. Not only is the volume of cybersecurity threats increasing but so too are they evolving in complexity and aggressiveness.  Having much of … Continued

3 Ways to Use Technology to Enhance E-commerce Customer Experience

There is no doubt that providing a good customer experience is essential for businesses to stay on track, grow, and make sales. 73% of companies with good customer experience are known to perform better financially than their competitors and bring 5.7 times more revenue. A high-quality customer experience ensures loyal customers that keep coming back, … Continued

Free HTML eCommerce Templates for Online Stores

Free HTML eCommerce Templates for Online Stores

For the beginner level entrepreneurs, free HTML eCommerce templates are real gems to get started with power and comfort. Read the whole post to know more. Creating your own business is an interesting and inspiring idea and it results best when you do the works from your home. Before quitting your day job, make sure … Continued

Free eCommerce Icons Download for Online Shops

Free eCommerce Icons Download for Online Shops

If you are looking for stunning free eCommerce icons to download, this post will be helpful for you. I will suggest you bookmark this post for future reference. Icons play a vital role to attract your visitors and convert them into your customer by increasing conversion rates and making greater profits. User-friendly interface increases the … Continued

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