Strategies for Protecting Your Website from DDoS Attacks
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the functioning of a targeted server, service, or network by overwhelming it with internet traffic. This is achieved by using various compromised computer systems as sources of traffic. These compromised systems are often infected with Malware, allowing the attackers to control them … Continued
Data Privacy Issues and Mitigation Strategies in Crypto Transactional Websites
Online transactional websites are a huge target for hackers and cybercriminals. Data privacy is a highly sensitive topic and needs to be handled with care, just like any other sensitive information. With the rise of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, transaction-based websites need to implement proper methods of data encryption, authentication, and authorization. In … Continued
9 Cybersecurity Tips for Small Business
Cybersecurity has always been an area of concern for businesses but the past year has seen even greater focus. 2020 displayed a conclusively quarter-on-quarter increase in new malware threats across the entire year. Not only is the volume of cybersecurity threats increasing but so too are they evolving in complexity and aggressiveness. Having much of … Continued

How to Check If Your WordPress Theme Is Secure to Use?
If you are thinking your WordPress theme you are obtaining from a reputable developer is safe, think again. If you think that since the connection to your WordPress site is over https by default your site is also secure, think again. WordPress being the most popular CMS for building personal and corporate sites means that … Continued

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