In this post-pandemic era, business operations rely on data analytics and management. Every business needs an online operating system to fulfill their need to know the growing trends, market analysis, and customer feedback to enhance their customer experience. They need to manage the collected user data to improve their user experience and their facilities to operate smoothly. If you are an admin at your company, you know the importance of gathering and presenting the necessary data when required.
All the tasks mentioned above, though complicated, can be done without any hassle with a nicely designed admin dashboard template. Creating a dashboard to monitor every insightful aspect of your products to know their usability speeds up with a dashboard. Also, tracking orders and their success rates can be done by the website owner as well as the sales records can be monitored accordingly.
A well-designed and simple admin panel dashboard template make website administration a comparatively more manageable task. These admin templates have built-in UI components to integrate the web applications without building a website from ground zero. These templates help you view and manage data, keep track of the ongoing trends, and understand business statistics while maintaining the site and modifying when required. So, it is crucial to think it through before going for any admin dashboard template. You must know your priorities your intended website’s categories, and you should address other fundamental questions to find yourself the most suitable template for your website.
Here is a stock of 37 responsive admin dashboard templates suggested for your next significant projects.
01. Phoenix

The latest in-house admin dashboard template, Phoenix comes with fascinating features and intriguing design at free of cost. Built on Bootstrap 5, this admin template is responsive to all major browsers. Webpack 5 based workflow and W3C validated HTML pages come inclusive with this template along with six authentication pages, one starter, two error pages. With necessary documentation provided, this template allows flexible development of any dashboard project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Three different side nav
- Virtual Reality page
- RTL support
- The color palette for the sidebar
02. Falcon

Falcon is an in-house premium template from ThemeWagon. There are two versions available for this template. The bootstrap version, built on bootstrap 5, avails its Bootstrap 4 version for its users and is named Falcon. On the other hand, Falcon React is the premium ReactJS version of the Falcon admin dashboard template.
Rich with modular markup based on cards and utility classes, W3C validated HTML pages, Falcon ensures better readability and formatting. Interactive graphs and charts thoughtfully redesigned popular plugins. With more than 100 sets of UI components, 35 sets of plugins, and interactive graphs and charts, RTL support makes this premium template a must-to-have. Based on Bootstrap 5 (v5.1.3) with React Bootstrap (2.0.4), Falcon React also avails easy use on Bootstrap 4 (v4.5.0) with Reactstrap.
The React template offers both dark & light modes. This React router dom v6 enabled template offers PropTypes checking for all components, and inclusive React Component API allows easy pass on of the features throughout the template. Interactive and functional features and pages with dummy data load for simulating real-world scenarios on components will enable this template to accumulate more traffic on the site. The boxed and fluid layouts allow the users to arrange the elements inside in their way.
Key Features
- Premium Template
- Bootstrap 5
- Bootstrap 4 available
- More than 100 UI components
- 35 sets of Plugins
- RTL support
- Gulp-based workflow
- Lifetime free updates
03. Material Dashboard 2

Material Dashboard 2 comes as a free open source Bootstrap 5 dashboard design template. This minimalistic template comes with five color filter choices, three different sidebars, and RTL support, ensuring the best user experience. The dark mode inclusive template has a different color palette for the sidebar, so you can go for any color scheme and theme you want for your website.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Three different side nav
- Virtual Reality page
- RTL support
- The color palette for the sidebar
04. AdminKit

AdminKit is a free and fully responsive admin template and dashboard. It comes with many different features that make this a user-friendly template. This multi-page template is cross-browser compatible and responsive to any device and retina screens. Inclusive UI components like three authentication pages, two error pages, profile invoice and notification option have made this a viewer-magnet.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Custom button & grid
- Multi-page template
- Three authentication pages
05. Dashmin

Dashmin is a free Bootstrap 5 dashboard design template. This HTML5 template comes with customizable high-end features for the users’ comfort. This fully responsive template has vertical and horizontal navigation bars and reusable components like buttons, maps, charts, widgets, tables, and forms. This cross-browser-compatible template can be of great help to build your admin project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Cross-browser support
- Different Navigation options
- Vertical & Horizontal navbar
06. Dash UI

The one free Bootstrap 5 template design to include all of the latest features and material to save you extra effort, Dash UI can always come in handy. Accordions, pagination, breadcrumbs, carousel dropdowns and other features give this template a modern outlook. This single dashboard with inclusive authentication and other demo pages can save you time and energy.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Gulp-based workflow
- Notification area
- Collapsible sidebar
07. Soft UI

Soft UI free Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template will assist you in creating a visually appealing interface for your administrative tasks. This responsive template comes with RTL support for ease of use. This template’s inclusive features have different color variants to change the color scheme with SASS files and classes simply.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Billing Page
- Virtual reality page
- RTL support
08. Elegant

Designed on Bootstrap 5 by a passionate web developer and designer, Jamshid, Elegant is a sophisticated, clean and minimal admin dashboard template. This HTML5 template is based on JS libraries like Dropzone, Chart.js, Quil.js. The dark and bright mode activated template is fully responsive with built-in features. However, the available pro version of the template includes more than twenty-two pages and a Figma file to develop the project. This multi-lingual template is convenient to work with.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Light and Dark Modes
- MUlti-page design
- Authentication Pages
09. Purple React

Purple React offers a cornucopia of features and developer-friendly pages and components since the admin dashboard template is built with Sass on Bootstrap 4. Gradient color scheme and retina screen compatibility have made this a beautiful and fully responsive template. More minor errors and bugs in its well-structured code save you time and hassle. This customizable template offers extended documentation for your assistance.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 and CSS3
- React JS
- Multi-page design
- Extensive documentation
- 100% responsive
- Material Design Icon
10. SB Admin

While looking for a responsive admin template built on Bootstrap 5, SB Admin can be one of the many choices you’d like to look at. Built on Bootstrap 5, this admin dashboard template is responsive to all available major browsers and compatible with any screen size and device. Four ready pages and interactive charts have made this a dependable admin template. This template allows you to control everything in an organized way.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- Custom Panel Styles
- Interactive Charts & Tables
- Toggleable Sidebar
- Cross-Browser Compatible
11. Mazer

While searching for a minimalistic and free admin dashboard template for your project, Mazer can be a very convenient option. This Bootstrap 5 template offers an interface with all necessary features included. CSS compatibility fixes make this template a fully responsive one. Being an HTML5 template, Mazer cuts off any additional loading time. So mazer could be your next admin dashboard template.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Single Dashboard
- Four Different Layouts
- Chatbox and To-do list
- Authentication Pages
- JS Vector Map
12. Volt

Volt is a multi-purpose and specially featured admin dashboard template. This template is developer-friendly with rich interfaces and increased speed built with vanilla JavaScript. A minimal design with bold colors makes this template stand out. Several pages, component options, and customizable illustrations make Volt an easy-to-use template.
Key Features
- BootStrap 5
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Multi-page Template
- Customized Illustrations
- 20+ UI components
- Footer Navigation
13. Material

Material is a free Tailwind CSS and React admin dashboard template. It is necessarily a developer-friendly template to build an admin dashboard website. Inspired by Google Material Design, this highly customizable template comes with a fresh design. This Tailwind CSS template is fully responsive to all available browsers. This compatible template features authentication pages and a beautiful landing page. On top of that, with well-structured codes and organized resources, documentation is also available for any further assistance.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Gulp-based workflow
- Breadcrumbs
- Authentication pages
- Single Dashboard style
14. React Material Admin

Material-UI, React router, and React are used to create React Admin, a free React dashboard template. Best suited for front-end for SASS, ecommerce, IoT device dashboards, this react template is crafted with a clean design and minimal look. The theme is fully responsive to any web browser and compatible with any screen size. React Material Admin template can get you a fantastic admin panel to work.
Key Features
- React 16
- Material UI
- React Router, Hooks and Context
- Modular Architecture
- CSS-in-JS styles
- Custom Scrollbar
15. Material Able

Material Able is a free Bootstrap 4 admin template, also a lite version of the Material Able Pro Dashboard that can meet all your demands to develop and maintain a perfect dashboard panel. Though built with 100% developer-centric codes, various testing and code optimization processes have made this a performance-centric template. This template features vertical and horizontal design, light and dark modes and full RTL support.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Cross-browser compatible
- 14 Advanced layouts
- Detail Documentation
16. Able Pro Lite

Able Pro Lite, a free HTML5 admin dashboard template, is based on Bootstrap 5 that’s designed for back-end and dashboard apps. The above template features a plethora of essential bells and whistles right out of the box. Three example pages and other UI components like breadcrumbs, accordion, Google charts, and Bootstrap tables make this a work-efficient template.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- 2-page layout styles
- Grid System
- Basic and customized forms
- Cross-browser compatibility
17. Flat Able Lite

Flat Able Lite is a free Bootstrap 4 admin template with a clean and minimal single-page design. It is rich with basic but necessary UI components authentication pages, charts, maps etc., in this easily customizable template. This new tech-based template uses gulp-based workflow, different types of form UIs, tables and authentication pages help to process and display data in a developer-centric way. This fully responsive template is also compatible with all devices and screen sizes.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Gulp-based workflow
- Breadcrumbs
- Authentication pages
- Single Dashboard style
18. Quantum Able

A perfect admin dashboard template made with Bootstrap 4 for your assistance, Quantum Able is one of a kind. It comes with cross-browser compatibility and is fully responsive to all significant web browsers and screen sizes. Featured grid system, charts, lightbox and other UIs, make this one an easy-to-use template. Well-structured codes make this template a very developer-friendly template.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Single Dashboard style
- Multi-page template
- Chat box
- Box Shadow
- Lightbox
- Cross-browser compatibility
19. Mega Able

Mega Able is an admin dashboard template made with Bootstrap 4 to reduce your hassle by bringing a complete solution to create and design a fully responsive website. This template features many intelligent and useful features such as accordions, different types of tables, and typography to organize your project efficiently. Also, the multiple sets of maps help you present your data more accurately.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Collapsible sidebar
- Search box
- Accordions
- Breadcrumbs
- Fully Responsive
20. Guru Able

If you are looking for a responsive Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template with well-designed versatility, Guru Able should be your first choice. This template has a collapsible sidebar with a search menu on top. A color palette and different color variants for input validation and form backgrounds come along with this template. This template provides three varieties of maps, including a Google map, marker and a basic map. You can go full-screen if you use this template for your project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- To-do list
- Single dashboard style
- Authentication pages
21. Pollux UI

An admin dashboard template that’s built on Bootstrap 4, Pollux UI dashboard design template comes with MIT license, ensuring a workable template for any project. This multi-page template comes with a Sass compiler and is accessible to code and customize for any customer-centric or management app. Ready-to-use composite core components and Bootstrap components provide a consistent look on the template. This easy to code template can be a good choice to build an admin dashboard website.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Gulp-based workflow
- Material color palette
- Multi-page design
- Easy Documentation
22. Purple Admin

A highly efficient free Bootstrap 4 admin template named Purple Admin, includes all the necessary constituents to make an admin dashboard. This Laravel supporting template is readily available with five built-in demo pages, even for building up a UI for a raw PHP project. Added to the versatility of the inclusive typography, this template has thirteen distinctive buttons. Six unique tables with chart.js-based charts come in handy while developing an admin dashboard.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Gulp-based workflow
- jQuery
- Colorful UI
- 13 Different Buttons
- Off-canvas Menu
- Several Input Form Styles
23. Star Admin

Star admin is a free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template designed to be simple but powerful. This beautiful template has all the necessary components for the developers ranging from beginners to advanced levels. Star Admin is composed of custom plugins; integrated maps can make yours a unique experience.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Gulp-based workflow
- ChartJS
- Off-canvas menu
- Fully responsive
24. Connect Plus

Connect Plus is a free HTML Bootstrap 4 template. This responsive template offers a wide range of data representation options simplifying the visualization process. This intelligible template ensures an appreciable user experience with its multiple device compatible layout. With the gulp-based workflow, this template gets very developer-friendly taking less time to build the webpage.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Gulp support
- Multi-page Design
- Collapsible Navigation Bar
- Progress Bars
- Extensive Documentation
25. Plus Admin

Plus Admin is a free bootstrap 4 admin template with a responsive design. The template comes with a basic elegant design with a vibrant color scheme. It offers vertical and horizontal layouts and is compatible with any screen size and device. The cross-browser bugs are the most minor present on the coding, making it fully responsive to all major browsers. With Plus Admin, you can start building your stand-out project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Material Design Icons
- Vertical & Horizontal Layouts
- Fully Responsive
26. Tiny Dash

A free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template packed with all necessary features to fit your demand is named Tiny Dash. Offering two modes of use, this template has a variety of progress bars and spinners. This template comes with a wide range of choices for you along with input validation. The well-structured codes reduce the hassles of building up a website with your signature style.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Multi-page Template
- Fully-Responsive
- RTL support
- Dark & Light Modes
- Blog Section
- Feather Font icons
27. Sky Dash

Skydash, a free admin dashboard template built on Bootstrap 4, HTML and CSS, employs a minimal design with a combination of colors, fonts and images; it gives a unique layout and design. This template is available with both light and dark modes. A definite color palette brings out the gorgeous outlook for the project. A highly customizable template with MIT license ensures its use on any project without worry.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Fully Responsive
- Multi-page design
- Authentication Pages
- Error Pages
- Documentation
- Dark & Light Modes
28. Celestial

Celestial admin panel is a flat-designed free dashboard template with many user interfaces across-the-board. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4 has a comprehensive collection of reusable UI components and a material color palette. The ready-to-use code snippets and utilities have made it a developer-friendly template. This professional-looking template saves extra time and effort while customized.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Gullp-Based workflow
- Material Color Palette
- Easy Documentation
- 100% Responsive
29. Pluto

Designed for administrative management and dashboards, Pluto is an open-source Bootstrap 4 template. Influenced by the material design concept, this template has a modern design with a card-based layout. This fully responsive template is compatible with available devices and screen sizes. This easily customizable template saves the extra hassle of creating everything from ground zero. Pluto can be an excellent choice for your next project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Two Dashboards
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Testimonial Carousels
- Authentication and Additional Pages
30. Corona

A dark-themed admin dashboard template with a colorful template design, Corona is highly responsive and accessible. It remains attentive to the basics and beauty with all the necessary components. This easy-to-customize template is rich with well-structured code based on gulp-based workflow. Any beginner developer can use this template as Corona comes with easy documentation.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Gulp-based workflow
- Multi-page Design
- Dark Design
- Easy Documentation
- Form UIs
- Cross-Browser compatibility
31. Breeze

Breeze is a vibrant minimalistic template with neatly planned components. A fully responsive template with all-screen compatibility can come in handy with your admin projects. This multi-page template is featured with several widgets, substantial documentation and gulp-based workflow to assist you with the development. Varieties of tables and multiple charts avail this template to a user’s comfort.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Gulp-based workflow
- Multi-page Design
- Substantial Documentation
- Form UIs
32. Spica

Spica has a simple style while being a feature-rich and fast-loading Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. This fully responsive template is compatible with any device and screen size. All the inclusive UIs help you establish a powerful dashboard. Inclusive documentation can help you in every single step of development. Spica can help you create an admin dashboard with a professional outlook.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Progress Bar
- Multi-page Design
- Documentation Page
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- 100% Responsive
33. Regal

Regal is a free Bootstrap 4 website template with a modern, accessible layout. Regal is rich with gorgeous typography and a large variety of UI components. Different charts and tables can help you process and display all necessary data. The documentation page can walk you down the trail of developing the webpage you need to work on. If you want to create a design to stand out among the crowd, Regal will be the best option for you.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 100% Responsive
- Authentication Pages
- Documentation
- Multi-page Design
- Different Tables
34. Stisla

Stisla is a simple and well-organized Bootstrap 4 template for the admin dashboard that engages more users. This fully responsive template works on all available devices and screen sizes. This template is featured with powerful and effective functionalities to assist you in developing a dashboard. Two different dashboard modes and multiple widgets are some of the best features of the template. Breadcrumbs, authentication and error pages that come inclusive with this template make the outlook more professional. You can certainly choose this template if you require a well-documented template.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 100% Responsive
- Multi-page Design
- Different Layouts
- Error Pages
- Owl Carousel
- Two Dashboard Template
35. Ruang

A Bootstrap 4 dashboard design with a great deal of layout worth mentioning is Ruang. This 100% responsive template is not only responsive to all available web browsers but also optimized for retina screens. The attractive layout can reduce the bounce rate of your website. You do not have to build anything from ground zero with its easy-to-customize options.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Cross-browser compatible
- Multi-page Design
- Breadcrumbs
- Different charts
36. Graindashboard

Graindashboard is a free Bootstrap 4 template built on HTML and Laravel. A fully responsive layout with excellent design gives this template a stand-out quality. This template displays a perfect outlook on any device and pixel-perfect screen. Different kinds of charts and clean designs help this template stand out among the crowd.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Laravel Mix
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Multi-page Template
- 5 Authentication pages
- Tabbed Content
- FunFact Counters
- PaginationUI
- Documentation
37. SIQ theme

SIQTheme is a template built on Bootstrap 4 and Webpack with Laravel-Mix. A clean, minimal design gives it a simple outlook with a dark outlook. Coming with a wide range of charts to choose from, UI components and well-commented codes make this one an accessible template. Any project created with SIQTheme can ensure easy traffic handling, quicker loading time and easy maintenance. You can certainly go for SIQTheme to use in your next project.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Laravel Mix
- Fully Responsive
- Sticky Navigation Bar
- Buttons, Cards and Modals
38. DeskApp

DeskApp is a perfectly suited admin dashboard template for enhancing desk efficiency. This Bootstrap 4 HTML template offers two dashboard styles, different variants of charts and tables, to organize and dispense data accordingly. The bold and modern layout along with complete responsiveness assist in building a perfect admin dashboard template.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Multi-page Template
- Advanced Form UIs
- Two Dashboard styles
- Multi-page template
- 100% Responsive
- Breadcrumbs
- Documentation
Knowing your needs to build a specific website is the primary requisite before choosing any template. Make sure you know what you’re doing. Then, consider responsiveness as well as flexible modification options as the basic necessity. Usability and accessibility should be your primary concerns. After going through the list above, you surely know that some SEO-friendly templates are available in the crowd to attract more traffic to your website. So, go over your requirements, and the blog can help you choose the best-suited template for your website.