Star admin 2 is a free template admin dashboard template. This admin template is built using the latest technologies such as Bootstrap 5, HTML5, and CSS3, and is up to date with the latest trends and tools. You can save valuable time using the GULP Javascript toolkit by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks. This creatively designed admin panel template is a 100% responsive, cross-browser template, compatible on all devices displayed on all screen sizes. Besides, this admin template is a full-featured, multipurpose, popular admin dashboard theme for developers, business, and digital entrepreneurs.
Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template
Moreover, with this template, you can quickly start your project. This free admin template included the most common and effective features. You got different types of buttons, form elements, bootstrap grid system, dropdowns, material design icons, different types of charts, side navigation bar, the color palette for the navigation bar, font awesome icons, typography, simple tables, calendar, and many more, which can certainly have used during development and make your task easy. You can also easily customize and modify the basic layout to give it your own unique touch. So start your project with this beautiful theme, get creative, and build beautiful dashboards.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 5
- Gulp based workflow
- 100% responsive
- Cross browser compatibility
- Multipage design
- On hover effects
- Collapsible navigation bar
- Fixed header navigation bar
- Color palette for navigation bar
- Dropdown menu bar
- Different types tables
- Basic UI elements
- Form elements
- Variety of charts
- Material design icons
- Saveral widgets
- Extensive documentation
- Fontawesome font icons
- Google fonts
In the box
- One HTML Page
- All demo images
- All HTML5 & CSS3 files
- Javascript source files
- Library and plugin files
Libraries & Plugins
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