Carint free website template is made for transportation service provider websites. This business & corporate template is made with the latest technologies like Bootstrap, HTML5 & CSS3. The template has a clean and well-commented codebase to help it rank higher in search engine results. The theme’s navigation is easy and simple, making it better accessible for partially or differently abled audiences. With fewer cross-browser bugs, the landing page remains compatible with all available browsers. Moreover, the developer-friendly codebase makes it easily customizable with little knowledge.
Free Responsive Bootstrap Business Website Template
Furthermore, the theme is rich with necessary UI components such as a top navigation bar, hero header, header carousel, testimonial carousel, form UI, contact form UI, geolocation, newsletter subscription form UI, footer navigation, call-to-action buttons with on-hover effects, and many more. All the UI components are laid out user-friendly on the page. The components are made to be fully responsive to devices and screens of all types, regardless of size. You can use this multipage template for your next creative project and ace it without hassle!
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Top Navigation Bar
- Hero Section
- Header Carousel
- Call-to-action Button
- On-hover Effect
- Tracking Form UI
- Contact Form UI
- Geolocation
- Testimonial Carousel
- Footer Navigation
- Newsletter Subscription Form UI
- Clean Codebase
- Page-speed Optimized
- SEO-friendly Codebase
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Fully Responsive
In the Box
- 4 HTML Pages
- JavaScript Source Files
- All Demo Images
- Library & Plugins
Library & Plugin
Thank you for downloading Carint!
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