A ready website template is the best solution to launch a website within a short time. The predefined structure of a ready-made template contains relevant sections. So, if you can discover the appropriate one, you need to modify only the text and visual elements. But, it’s a challenge to detect a suitable template if you don’t have prior knowledge about web technologies. Keeping that in my mind, I’ve listed 30 business website design templates in this post for you to reduce your stresses and hassles.
Before preparing this business website design templates list
Before listing of business website design template, I’ve marked and checked the following points:
What type of website you’re building?: I’ve assumed that you are looking for a business website template. That’s why this list contains only those which satisfies the business purposes.
HQ visual qaulity: All templates include high quality retina ready functionality. So, you have a chance to decorate your site with the high-quality graphic elements.
Responsive (i.e. fits on every device): Following each template based on Bootstrap grid system and so they fit perfectly on every device.
SEO friendly: You must apply SEO techniques to your site as well as an SEO friendly template to rank up your page. This post holds only SEO friendly templates.
Lightweight: All are lightweight because of minified CSS and Javascript. They load too fast that you can’t imagine.
Flexible and easily customizable: Don’t worry, I’ve listed only those templates which are easily customizable.
Crafted by trusted developers: Here, 30 templates are crafted by professional developers who are working directly or jointly with the renowned organizations.
Cross Browser Supported: Imagine, you have an outstanding website prepared by a template. But, it does not support in the old browser. Then, what will be the feelings of you! It’s pathetic. Don’t worry! Here all of are cross browser compatible.
01. Maxim
Maxim is a flat, modern, young, and stylish bootstrap one page business site template. Suitable for freelancer, agency, corporate, creative people to showcase their profile or works. It’s built with the latest technologies like Bootstrap front-end framework, prettyPhoto, font-awesome, flex-Slider, and so on. It has the most recent trendy style and is coming with many attractive features. Template color separated in a single CSS file, so it’s easy to customize or change template color!
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, animate.css, Flex-slider, PrettiPhoto, Font-Awesome .
Special Features
- Flat, Modern and Young Design.
- 56 Animations Included!
- Easy to Customize.
- Cross Browser Supports.
- W3C Valid HTML5 Markups.
- All Elements 100% Compatible with Bootstrap!
- Unlimited Colors Option.
- Font-Awesome Icons & Fonts.
- 675+ Vector Icons.
- Awesome Slider Included.
- Filterable Portfolio
02. MyBiz
MyBiz is a clean and elegant free HTML5 Bootstrap template that is suitable especially for the business websites. But this template will help you to make any website like agency, corporate, professional, financial, agency or other business. It is a free template. The pro version of MyBiz comes with fully working Ajax/PHP contact form.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, Flex-slider, jQuery Plugins.
Special Features
- Flat and Intutive Design.
- Easy to Customize.
- Cross Browser Support.
- W3C Valid HTML5 Markups.
- Powered by Bootstrap 3!
- Font-Awesome Fonts.
- 675+ Vector Icons.
- Sticky Header.
- Well Commented Sections.
- Awesome Flex-slider Included.
- Portfolio for Showcasing Works.
03. Baker
Baker is a neat and clean, creative, multipurpose free Bootstrap HTML5 business template designed for professionals. Suitable for business, corporate, portfolio, blog and any professional website. The Bootstrap frontend framework powers Baker. Anyone can easily customize this. Lots of amazing features like Flexibility, a bunch of components with endless Color combinations, full-screen Image Sliders, parallax effect, Google web fonts and much more are available. It is well crafted, contains beautiful and unique concepts with well-documented code.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, Wow.js, Bx-slider, Font-awesome, animate.css.
Special Features
- Neat and Creative Design
- Portfolio with image lightbox
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Multipurpose Concept
- Well Commented
- Font-awesome Icons and Fonts
- W3C Valid Markups
- Google Web Fonts
- Easy to Customize
- Working Contact Form
- SEO Friendly Template
04. Bethany
Bethany is a clean, minimalistic, beautiful and responsive free bootstrap template for modern web designers. It came with clean and flat style and fitted to you who like a minimal and modern design. Perfect for creative agency, corporate business, photography, and portfolio. Bethany is a great template for HTML5 and CSS3-based buttons, typography, forms, navigation and other interface components, as well as other JavaScript extensions. It is coded with W3C valid HTML5 and CSS3, with jQuery technology. The layout of Bethany is powered by Bootstrap Framework that’s why it is fully responsive.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, Font-Awesome, animate.css, Google Web fonts.
Special Features
- Clean Code and Well Designed
- Suitable for Any Website
- W3C Valid Markups
- Powered by Bootstrap
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Google Web Fonts
- Easy to Customize
05. Sailor
Sailor is a responsive HTML5 site template for corporate business. Perfect for many types websites like agency, corporate business, portfolio, product showcase, etc.
This template built with the latest Bootstrap framework and combined with ten pre-defined color combinations, ten different pattern backgrounds, WOW animation effects, and much more. Please check special features and live preview below.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, jQuery Plugins, animate.css, Cubeportfolio, steller.js, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Modern Intutive Design
- Powered by Bootstrap Framwork.
- Lots of Animation
- W3C Valid Markups
- SEO Optimized
- Responsive Layouts
- Tons of Features.
06. Star Hotels
Designed for hotel websites, Star Hotels is a free HTML5 template. It is a contemporary template for creating a visually appealing internet presence for your hospitality-related business. Furthermore, Star Hotels assures a thorough design with completely responsive layouts for all of its properties. It works flawlessly right out of the box, so you won’t have to worry about bringing items back to the ground.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, Owl-carousel, Smoth Scroll.
Special Features
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean and minimal design
- Fully responsive
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Multi-page template
- Hero header
- Call to action button
- Hover effects
- SVG preloader
- Price checking form UI
- Testimonial carousel
- Services grid
07. Nantes
Nantes Bootstrap template is a lightweight solution for business, corporate, agency, or even personal. It is an elegant and modern template packed with “home, about, features, portfolio, partners, team and contact” section with the owl-carousel slider. The responsive layouts of this template work wonder in all screen resolution. Nantes is extremely developer friendly and easily modifiable, with an extensively commented coding. It incorporates all the powerful HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and jQuery plugins to allow web developers to generate smooth and seamless one page multipurpose websites.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, Owl-Carousel, Animate.css.
Special Features
- Fully Responsive Design
- Powered by Bootstrap Framework
- Impressive Icons and Fonts
- Clean HTML Markup
- Owl-Carousel Slider
08. Navigator
Navigator — free one page business template comes with all visitor loving components . Crafted with popular Bootstrap 3 framework for device friendly frontend allowing scalability for each screen. The color is perfectly suited superbly for any category website. Well-commented developer friendly codebase allows a developer to work on programming languages that can make this template conversion from static to dynamic easily. It’s successfully passed W3C validation, optimized for SEO, and compatible with all major modern browsers.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Google Map API, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Full-width and 100% Responsive Layout
- Based on Bootstrap 3.3.5
- User-friendly Mobile Menu
- Organized Codes
- Font Awesome Fonts and Icons
- Cross-browser Support
- Lots of CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
- Personal and Commercial License
- Unlimited Colors Possibilities
09. Fame
Fame — Free HTML Website Template is the perfect example of professionalism that combined with fantastic design. To allow you the asperity of ultimate style, Fame includes an extraordinary slider, musical skill showcase, pricing chart, project analytics, about us section, team section, Blog area, service, client testimonial, and glossy footer with easy navigation. It’s crafted for the famous and elegant sites. The codebase is well-organized, comes with error free W3C valid markups. Perfect template for the websites of business, corporate, marketing agencies, IT firms, landing, creative or personal portfolio, resume, freelancers, photographers, graphic designers, artist, affiliate marketer, and other websites.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Powered by Bootstrap 3.3.5
- User-friendly Mobile Menu
- Organized Codes
- Font Awesome Included
- Cross-browser Compatible
- CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
- Unlimited Color Options
10. Sulfur
Sulfur is a free simple HTML template, carefully crafted for corporate, business, IT firm, and amazingly more. It comes with automatic compatibility with various viewing screen widths and mobile devices with retina ready support. The code is well-documented and well-organized. Scripts contain W3C valid markups. Cross browser compatibility of IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome. The User interface is engaging, and UX is well-researched. This lightweight, fast loading, and simple HTML template come with all essential features that make it extraordinary and outstanding in the crowd.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Fully Responsive Boxed Layout
- Bootstrap 3.3.5 Based
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Well-organized Codes
- W3C Valid Markups
- Rich Documentation
- Font Awesome Fonts
- Cross-browser Support
- Awesome CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
11. Brandi
Brandi, the free responsive one page bootstrap business template powered by Twitter Bootstrap. No need extra code, no additional feature, no any sections. It provides end users a dominant power to build any kind excellent website having ease in mind. This lightweight and fast loading template perfectly suited for business, corporate, agency, app showcase, blog, portfolio, resume, photography, and innovative platform. Brandi couples with impressive features that have the ability to make a website successful.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr, Wow.js.
Special Features
- 100% Responsive Boxed layout
- Bootstrap 3 Based
- Responsive Business Template
- Clean and Stunning Design
- Well-organized Code Base
- W3C Valid Markups
- Font Awesome Included
- Cross-browser Compatible
- CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
- Personal and commercial license
- Unlimited Colors
12. Timer
Timer – is Bootstrap based HTML5 responsive multipage agency template built using HTML5/CSS3 features. Fit for creative companies, agencies, and freelancers which demand a professional way to cabinet their skills, projects, services, and sell their products. Timer offers a beautifully elegant and well-spaced template that supports the policies of design. This flexible template uses fresh and clean design and allows to change it looks to your liking in one click. It has been shipped with the useful pages that let you start a broad array of your business section on the fly.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Ion-Icons, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr, Wow.js.
Special Features
- Fully Responsive
- Bootstrap Based
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Well-organized Codes
- Full-width Layout
- Ionicons Icons and Fonts
- Cross-browser Friendly
- Stunning CSS3 Animations
- Marvelous Contact Form
- Unlimited Colors
13. Meghna
Meghna is a free responsive one page simple, elegant, minimalist, lightweight and fast loading business template built with W3C valid HTML5 and CSS3 including JavaScript and jQuery. It presents a modern business solution providing the clear focus on contents and readability. Suitable for websites such as startup, business, company, agency, portfolio, photography studio, SME business, non-profit organizations, fashion government agencies, and much more. It is superbly responsive due to Bootstrap framework adapting to any kinds of devices. The code is easy to modify and understand so you can personalize it in the simplest way. It has been shipped with wrapping latest technologies and awesome design trend.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr, Wow.js, Grid.js.
Special Features
- 100% Responsive Template
- Bootstrap 3. Based
- Unique Sticky Header
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Organized Codes
- Full-width and Boxed Layout
- Rich Documentation
- Included Font Awesome
- Cross-browser Support
- CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
- Unlimited Colors
14. Themelight
Themelight is a blazing fast, modern and cutting-edge responsive business one page website template, glutted with the fantastic UI and excellent professional features to run corporate firms seamlessly. Especially it allows craft site for companies, agencies, photography studios, IT firms, profit and non-profit, and governmental agencies. The design of this template is incredible which can impress visitors in the first visit. Themelight is responsive, crafted following mobile first approach so that the template can easily fit both wide screens and small mobile devices. The documentation of this template is broad enough that allows you to build responsive corporate websites within short times. It is saturated with vibrant typography and highly interactive CSS3 animations.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap, Font-Awesome, Owl-carousel, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Wow.js.
Special Features
- 100% Responsive Template
- Bootstrap 3. Based
- Unique Sticky Header
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Organized Codes
- Full-width and Boxed Layout
- Rich Documentation
- Included Font Awesome
- Cross-browser Support
- CSS3 Animations
- Amazing Contact Form
- Unlimited Colors
15. Freightage
Freightage is the best solution for your transportation business to boost profits and expand businesses via online. This template is also a perfect for the websites related to shipping companies, cargo delivery agencies, transportation companies, freight business, logistics, warehousing, food truckers, street vendors, courier, carrier, company’s cargo, air cargo services, trucking services, air transportation services, automotive dealership business and much more. This unique and creatively designed template has transport related sections created in eye-catching style, mesmerizing parallax effects, smooth scrolling navigation, awesome hover effects, gallery lightbox, stupendous login and register forms, etc. It is entirely built on Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Modernizr, Font-awesome, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- Stylish and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Font-Awesome and Flat Icons Included
- Powered by Bootstrap Frontend Framework
- Built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Smooth Scrolling
16. Affluence
Affluence is a business category Bootstrap responsive web template perfect choice for your business or any corporate websites. This latest and imaginative designed template can also be the best option for agency services, consultancy companies, accounting & financial services, training centers, landing pages, photographers, portfolios, studios, institutional and government websites, law firms, freelancers, IT firms, furniture companies, engineering or machinery businesses and much more. This elegantly designed ultra-modern template has formidable features like its eye-catching banner slider which slides from bottom to top, awesome menu button when clicked it opens a door and displays a clean, transparent menu, smooth scrolling navigation, zooming slider in about section, enticing hover effects, awesome sliding lightbox effect and much more. This template is 100% responsive, cross-browser template. It is purely built on Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Modernizr, Smoth Scroll.
Special Features
- Stylish and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Font-Awesome and Flat Icons Included
- Powered by Bootstrap Frontend Framework
- Built with valid HTML5 and CSS3 code
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Smooth Scrolling
- W3C Valid Markups
17. Electrician
Electrician is a neat and clean, creative, Business free Bootstrap HTML5 business template specially designed for all industrial related websites. This smartly designed template is suitable for manufacturing industries, factories, plants, laboratory, construction companies, machines, metal products, automobile spare parts, furniture, electrical equipment, kitchen utensils & cutleries, drugs & chemical products, mobile phone accessories, and much more. The Bootstrap frontend framework powers Electrician. Anyone can easily customize this. Lots of amazing features like Flexibility, a bunch of components with endless color combinations, full-screen image sliders, Google web fonts and much more are available. It is well crafted, contains beautiful and unique concepts with well-documented code.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Modernizr, FlexSlider.
Special Features
- Latest and Intutive Design
- Powered by Bootstrap Framwork.
- Lots of Animation
- W3C Valid Markups
- SEO Optimized
- Responsive Layouts
- Tons of Features.
18. Adamant
Do you need a website template to create a modern website easily and quickly for any business, industrial, research, and manufacturing, engineering or machinery sales service with real content? Then here’s the solution. Adamant, a perfect template which satisfies the requirement of any business websites. It’s formed in the clean, flat, elegant, modern and intuitive way. It has 100% responsive layouts and is compatible with all devices. It is entirely built in Bootstrap Framework, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- 100% Responsive Template
- Bootstrap 3 Based
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- Organized Markups
- Rich Documentation
- Included Font Awesome
- Cross-browser Support
- Unlimited Colors
19. Viticulture
Are you looking for something new and unique for your next farming business websites? Then, Viticulture the free responsive one page bootstrap business template powered by Twitter Bootstrap is the only one solution for you. No additional feature, no more code, no more hassles which provide end users a dominant power to build any kind excellent website having ease in mind. This lightweight and fast loading template perfectly suited for business, corporate, agency, app showcase, blog, portfolio, resume, photography, and innovative platform. Brandi couples with impressive features that have the ability to make a website successful.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts, Flex Slider.
Special Features
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Organized and Intended Code
- Font Awesome Fonts and Icons
- Cross-browser Support
- Lots of CSS3 Animations
- Unlimited Colors Possibilities
20. Tenements
Tenements is a clean, minimalistic, beautiful and responsive free Bootstrap template for modern web designers. It came with clean and flat style and fitted to you who like a minimal and modern design. Perfect for real estate themed multipurpose websites. It’s an elegantly designed template which has pretty impressive features like beautifully crafted booking form, fabulously designed grids with images, mesmerizing hover effects, carousel sliding images, very clean, sleek and minimalistic style of design in every detail. It contains W3C valid HTML5 and CSS3, with jQuery technology. The layout of Tenements is powered by Bootstrap Framework that’s why it is fully responsive.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- Latest and Intutive Design
- Based on Bootstrap Framwork.
- Lots of Animation
- W3C Valid Markups
- SEO Optimized
- Responsive Layouts
- Tons of Features.
21. Wooster
Wooster is the HTML version of Wooster theme developed by Graphberry. This is a free single page HTML5 CSS3 template based on Bootstrap frontend framework and a perfect example of professionalism that combined with fantastic design. To allow you the asperity of ultimate style, Wooster includes an excellent showcase, about us section, team section, blog area, client testimonial, contact, and glossy footer with social links. It’s crafted for the famous and elegant sites. The codebase is well-organized and written with error free W3C valid markups. Perfect template for the websites of business, corporate, marketing agencies, IT firms, landing, creative or personal portfolio, resume, freelancers, photographers, graphic designers, artist, affiliate marketer, and other websites.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Unique Styled Menu
- Organized Markups
- Amazing Contact Form
- Font Awesome Fonts and Icons
- Cross-browser Support
22. Kasper
Kasper is creative one page HTML5 template great for business, corporate, agency, any other web page. It is accurate for startups, freelancers, or even the larger companies who want to exhibit their skills in a professional style. Visitors from a handheld device will still be attracted to it’s minimalistic but user-friendly approach.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts, Animate.css, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Clean and Refreshing Design
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Based on Bootstrap 3
- Unique Styled Menu
- Attractive CSS3 Animations
- Well-commented Markups
- Amazing Contact Form
- Font Awesome Fonts and Icons
- Cross-browser Support
23. Urban
Urban – A sleek, modern and stylish responsive business site template for corporate business. Perfect for many types websites like agency, corporate business, portfolio, product showcase, etc. This template built with the latest Bootstrap framework and combined with striking color combinations. Please check special features and live preview below.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Font-awesome, jQuery Plugins, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- Modern Intutive Design.
- Powered by Bootstrap.
- Lots of CSS3 Animation.
- W3C Valid Markups.
- 100% SEO Friendly.
- Fully Responsive Layouts.
- Tons of Features.
- Easy to Customize.
- Cross Browser Support.
24. Theory
Theory is just a crisp, modern landing page template ideal for businesses and corporations. This free multipage business template comes with all visitor loving components. It is crafted with Bootstrap 3 for device friendly frontend allowing scalability for each screen. Well-commented developer friendly codebase allows a developer to work on programming languages that can make this template conversion from static to dynamic easily. It’s successfully passed W3C validation, optimized for SEO, and compatible with all major modern browsers.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Google Fonts.
Special Features
- Flat, Modern and Young Design.
- Easy to Customize.
- Cross Browser Supports.
- W3C Valid HTML5 Markups.
- Unlimited Colors Option.
- Font-Awesome Fonts.
- 675+ Vector Icons.
25. Boxify
Boxify is a stylish HTML5 CSS3 Template that was carefully crafted and enhanced with some smooth effects. It’s built in the process that anyone can easily modify it fits on any portfolio or start-up website or many other projects. It contains W3C valid markups. The layout of Boxify is based on Bootstrap grid system that’s why it has the cutting-edge layout for every device.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Flickity, fancyBox, jQuery Plugins, Waypoints, Animate.css.
Special Features
- Intutive Design.
- Powered by Bootstrap 3.
- Eye-pleasing CSS3 Animation.
- Cross Browser Support.
- 100% SEO Friendly.
- Fully Responsive Layouts.
- W3C Valid Markups.
- Tons of Features.
- Easy to Customize.
26. Kreo
Kreo is the perfect template for business, creative professionals, agencies, and freelancers. It can also be applied to small business websites. Based on Bootstrap 3 grid system. So, it has 100% responsive layouts. The template emphasizes a modern and bold design with subtle CSS3 animations and retina-ready display. It contains a working ajax form and is compatible with all modern browsers.
Technology Used:
Bootstrap 3, Google Fonts, Font Awesome, Flexslider, Waypoints, jQuery Plugins, Animate.css, Modernizr.
Special Features
- Modern and bold design
- Subtle CSS3 animations
- Font-Awesome Icons Fonts
- 100% Responsive Layout
- Retina ready
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Working Ajax Contact Form
27. Texas Lawyer
Texas Lawyer is a free lawyer attorney or law firm website template crafted with HTML5 & Bootstrap 3. Built for Legal Advisers, Legal Offices, Law Firms, Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers at Law, Counsels, Solicitors, Advocates and other legal and law-related services. It is perfectly suitable for any legal affairs or consultancy website. The design is purpose oriented and comes with Free Consultation Form, practice areas, case results, frequently asked questions and team members page. You can design a website with this template without any coding knowledge.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3, Javascripts, jQuery Plugins.
Special Features
- Responsive Layout with Intutive Design
- Optimized Code & Content
- Cross-browser Compatibile
- Smooth CSS3 Animation
- SEO Optimized
- 100% Fully Customizable
- Sticky Header
- Google Fonts
- Strong focus on Usability and UX
- Powered by Bootstrap 3
- FontAwesome Icons
28. Nevada Pro Agency
Nevada Pro Agency is a free business website design template especially for agency websites or corporate company websites such as small or medium organizations, travel agencies, consultant agencies, advertising agencies, real estate agencies media companies, and other agency websites. Relevant sections of a business website such as home, about, service, portfolio, gallery, blog, contact, 404, coming soon are included. Just says, it’s a business category website template.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, Javascript, jQuery.
Special Features
- Masterful Design
- Full-Screen Header Background
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Smooth CSS3 animation
- Easy to Customize
- Sticky Header
- Google Fonts
- Responsive Layout
- FontAwesome Icon Integrated
- Well Documented Code Base
29. Solid State
Solid State is a responsive business website design template. It’s available with high-quality graphics supports like retina ready display. It coupled with more than 100 pre-designed elements. The user can technically develop almost any types of website using this.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, Javascripts, jQuery Plugins.
Special Features
- 100 Pre-designed Elements
- Android Style Menu Bar
- Clean and Clear Typography
- Powred By Bootstrap Framework
- Cutting Edge Responsive Layouts
- Parallax Supports
30. Agency
Agency is a great template for a new entrepreneur who is looking for a website template for his/her small business purpose. It combines with the latest Bootstrap framework, font awesome, HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery plugins. Agency is a free template both for personal and commercial use.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 3, Javascript, jQuery.
Special Features
- Responsive Design
- Optimized Code & Content
- Cross-browser Compatibility
- Great jQuery effect
- Easy to Customize
- W3C Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- FontAwesome Icon Integrated
31. BizPage
BizPage is a free business website template that harmonizes the trends of the millennium and an up to current tool. It comes into play when you need a support to build your next website for your agency, firm, and company. It’s mandatory for modern day websites to be accurately responsive and cross-browser compatible. Fortunately, BizPage is capable of doing that for you. When people are seeing the site from mobile devices, there comes an off-canvas navigation. Furthermore, the gallery has the lightbox support to make a portfolio. Carousel sliders, smooth scroll, parallax background, and active contact form – everything is in the line.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, jQuery, Owl Carousel, FontAwesome, and more
Special Features
- One Page Template
- Animated Scrolling
- Lightbox Portfolio
- Off-canvas Navigation
- Carousel Slider
- Font Awosme Icons
- Sticky Menu
- Full-screen Slider
- Parallax Effect
- Social Media Icons
- Filter on Gallery
- Countup Timer
32. B-Hero
B-Hero is strenuously built free business website template for the professionals and creatives. A corporate website that tells the story of your ins and out is now easy to build if you take B-Hero. The features are countless, and useful too. As the parallax effect gives the template a visually astonishing look, also there are animated counters which are brilliant as well. Similarly, email subscription, pricing plan, testimonial slider, and filterable gallery are also accessible. Needless to mention that it’s a multipage template and you don’t need to face a hard time to develop a big website in no time.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, jQuery, Font Awesome, and more
Special Features
- Bootstrap 4 Template
- Multi-Page Layout
- Call to Action
- Featured Slider
- Google Maps
- Social Icons
- Font Awesome
- Video Section
- Animated Counter
- Pricing Table
- Parallax Effect
- Slider Testimonial
- Email Subscription
- Working Contact Form
- Blog and 404 Page
33. Glint
If you find a free business website template that’s responsive, well-ordered, and easy to unfold then you will surely get an unforgettable experience. To ameliorate your endurance Glint is ready to provide the necessary assistance. Sticky burger menu and hero header along with parallax effect made Glint to pick from the thousands of free HTML templates. And that’s not all this template holds. Working contact form and email subscription box are another two amazing option to turn the site interactive.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, jQuery, Font Awesome, Slick Slider and more
Special Features
- One Page Layout
- Retina Ready
- Sticky Burger Menu
- Font Awesome Icons
- Off-canvas Navigation
- Ghost Button
- Parallax Background
- Working Contact Form
- Animating Stats Section
- Lightbox Gallery
- On Hover Animation
34. Reveal
Business templates are costly. If you search over the free world you’ll get hundreds of them. And, here we’re presenting one which stands out from the ordinary ones. It’s Reveal which comes out with a lot of opportunities for the entrepreneurs. Two navigation bar, dropdown option, animation, and carousel slider, you’ll get almost everything to customize the template to see a polished website. Additionally, modern JavaScript plugins such as Animate, Magnific Popup, and Owl Carousel triggered Reveal to stay on the apex of engaging free HTML5 templates.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, Javascript, jQuery, Font Awesome, Owl Carousel, and more
Special Features
- Bootstrap 4 Template
- Sticky Top Header
- Ghost Button
- One Page Layout
- Parallax Background
- Off-canvas Navigation
- Font Awesome Icons
- On-hover Effects
- Dropdown Menu
- Lightbox Image Gallery
- Carousel Slider
35. Infinity
Infinity is a powerful, brilliant, effective, and magnificent free business website template. The colorful interface integrated with sticky header and other advanced features helped Infinity to get on the top of the line. Users will scroll and get fascinated by watching the smoothness of the action. If you unpack the file there are several wonderful options are waiting for you. From hover effects to flex slider, testimonial to working contact form, everything is right at your fingertip.
Technology Used:
HTML 5, CSS 3, jQuery, Font Awesome, Modernizr, and more
Special Features
- One Page Layout
- Parallax Header
- Smooth Scroll
- Drawyer Menu
- Testimonial Slider
- Working Contact Form
- Email Subscription
- Social Media Icons
- On-hover Effects
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- 100 FREE Best One Page Responsive Bootstrap HTML5 Templates of All Time
- 30+ Free Bootstrap Templates Free Download in 2018 for Restaurant, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Fast Food
- 36 Top HTML5 Bootstrap 4 Startup Business Website Templates 2019
- 30+ Free Responsive Business Travel Itinerary Template 2018
- Best Corporate HTML Templates For Elegant Business Websites
- A Collection of the Best Templates for Business Websites
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Thank you Sandip. You’re always welcome to get our templates.
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