Free Bootstrap HTML5 admin dashboard template for a web app, web site backend, control panel, e-commerce, and admin panel. Three different layouts of the dashboard are provided with it. Moreover, Nalika is a responsive and mobile-ready theme. It has a dark design with tech-savvy features and widgets. Bar, Line, Area, C3, Sparkline, Rounded and Peity charts are used to generate charts.
Free Bootstrap HTML5 admin dashboard template
Product list with CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functionality with analytics. Besides, Nalika comes with UI elements like Google maps, Data map, PDF viewer, x-editable, Code editor, Image cropper, and Tree view. Nalika is chock-full with trendy features with assets. Build with Nalika and dig it deeper.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Bar, Line, Area, Sparkline, Rounded, C3, and Peity Charts
- Fully responsive
- Mailing and inbox UI
- Google map
- Data map, X- editable, Code editor
- PDF viewer, Text editor, and Tree view
- Image Cropper
- File manager
- Static and Data tables
- Advanced form elements
- Multi-upload
- Password meter
- Custom scroll bar
- FontAwesome font icons
- Extensive documents
In The Box
- All demo images
- 53 HTML files
- 1 PDF file
- CSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Font Icons
- Documentation
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
- Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Owl Carousel
- FontAwesome
- Peity Charts
- Sparklines
- Scrollbar
- TouchSpin
- Data Table
- JsTree
- Skycons
- Password Meter
- PDF Viewer
- Mapael
- Jvectormap
- RangeSlider
- Cropper
- Data Map
- CodeMirror
- Chosen
- C3 And D3
- Datetimepicker
- X-editable
- Dropzonejs
- Form Validation
- Form Validation
- Mockjax
- Lobibox
- Summernote
- Editable
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