AdminCAST is a free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template. An entirely adaptive and comprehensive interface comes with AdminCAST. There are two versions of the theme HTML and Angular 5+. Moreover, it is a clean and minimal yet fully equipped dashboard theme with all necessary features and widgets.
Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
AdminCAST comes with trendy and compelling features like color schemes, alert and tooltips, panels, forms, badges & progress, calendar, multi-level drop-down menu, etc. Flot, Morris, Chart.js, and sparkline charts are also loaded in the box. 8 pre-built authenticating pages with data, and basic tables are provided with AdminCAST. These all the features make it a time saver and quick to adapt template. So, create with AdminCAST and make your project effortless and dynamic.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- Multi-level drop-down menu
- Clean and Minimal design
- Fully responsive
- 8 Authentification pages
- Flot, Morris, Chart.js, Sparkline charts
- FontAwesome and Themify font icons
- Vector Maps
- Basic and Data tables
- Advanced form plugins
- Customized validation for forms and basic forms
- Text editors
- Alerts and tooltips
- Badges and progress
- Button, list, and cards
- Panels
- Color scheme
- Calendar
- Collapsing side navigation
In The Box
- All demo images
- 36 HTML files
- CSS & SCSS files
- Gulp files
- PUG files
- JavaScript source files
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
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Here are three recommended free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard templates.
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Theme is well optimized as per Google updates.
Theme is well optimized as per Google updates.
the theme looks good!
the theme looks good!
the preview link is dead for the theme can you please update it?
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the preview link is dead for the theme can you please update it?
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Free download
License- Open source
- Use in commercial projects
- Life time free updates

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