Admin BSB – Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

1 customers reviews

Google’s Material design has earned a lot of appreciation from the users. The synthesis of the visually soothing interface made this spec to be a sophisticated choice that blended both science and technology. Bootstrap 3.x Framework is another highly appreciated web building tool to provide a robust backbone for your site’s coding structure. When you’re looking for a free Bootstrap admin dashboard template, you shouldn’t compromise the good quality because there’s abundant of free admin templates that can help you on the way to success.

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Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

AdminBSB is a superlative template for web developers based on Bootstrap and Material design. It’s alluringly responsive, astonishingly advanced, fabulously designed, and very rich with temptation features. Made for users, this template has all the powers to deliver a creative and flexible environment. To accommodate in all the screen and device variations, Admin BSB is the precise tool for the professional developers. Nothing is close enough to this free Bootstrap admin template when you’re looking for a purely modern and excessively malleable framework.

free bootstrap admin dashboard

User Interface

Alerts: basic alerts, material design alerts, dismissible alerts, links in alerts,

Animation: CSS based animation offers multiple choices like bounce, flash, pulse, shake, swing, tada, jello and so on. There are also SlimScroll Waves effect plugin to make the elements more interactive.

Buttons: default, material design, different sizes, block buttons, disabled, icons, large circle, icon and text, button groups, button toolbar, nested, vertical, justified, dropdown, dropup.

Icons: Google Material Design Icons have icon sets for action, alert, AV, communication, content, device, editor, file, hardware, image, maps, navigation, notification, places, social, and toggle.

List Groups: lists with badges, links, buttons, disabled, contextual, colorful items with material design, custom

Notifications: Admin BSB includes notifications for top right, top left, top center, bottom right, bottom left, bottom center, different notification types, material design colors, and notification with visually attracting animations.

Paginations: disabled and active states, size for default large, and small, pager, aligned links, optional disabled states

Progress Bars: basic, contextual alternatives, striped, animated, stacked, material colors,

Furthermore, you can find more options as collapse, accordion with many colors and material design colors, panels with colors and icons, colors, and dialogs. And, there are labels, media object, modals, preloaders, Range Sliders, sortable and nestable, tabs with icon, icon titles, animation, thumbnails, tooltips and popovers. That’s not all. Badges with material colors and list, breadcrumbs with icons, material colors, and multiple alignments are to consider as well. In media section, there are two options: image gallery and carousel.


More Functionality:

Forms: basic form has different width, size, floating label, text area, Bootstrap Select, checkbox, material color, radio, DateTimePicker, and switch button.

Advanced form has more powerful options like Colorpicker, drag and drop file upload, masked input, input group, multi-select, spinners, and tags input.

Form example shows you vertical layouts, horizontal layouts, inline layouts, and multi-column layouts.

You will find more options in form validation, and form wizard form editors which includes WYSIWYG Editor.

Tables: Normal table includes options like basic, striped rows, bordered, hover rows, condensed, contextual classes, material design colors. Also, you will get two more tables named Jquery Datatables, and Editable Table.

Charts: Admin BSB gives you several JavaScript plugins which are Morris, Flot, ChartJS, Sparkline, Jquery Knob. Together they offer you a range of chart options: line chart, bar chart, area chart, donut chart, realtime, multiple axis, tracking, pie chart, and radar chart.

Example Pages: Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot Password, Blank Page, 404 – Not Found, and 500 – Server Error.

Maps: Three maps as Google, YandexMap, and jVectorMap will provide you enormous options to choose maps with different styles.

Typography: Roboto font, styles for headings, styles for fonts as bold, italic, underline, overline, and line through.

Helper classes: These are for text styles, font sizes, text aligns, margins and paddings, special classes for browsers,

Card and Infobox: basic, colored, no header, six style variations in infobox.

User-first Admin Template

If you don’t find the right resources, you have to work with then with very tight constraints. The need for a user-friendly template is irrefutable; the necessity of being that free or not is maybe considerable. Since I’m giving you to choose a harmoniously designed admin template which has the ability to create an amazing dashboard, you should pick it. The admirable, inherent options of Admin BSB differentiate it from other average-grade products available on the market. To resolve the way to reach the summit of success, you need to know which tool can support the best.

free bootstrap admin dashboard

High-spec Less Complexity

The material design has an economical vibe on the whole style, which has no unnecessary elements or anything applied. Users can use the template to create anything by using the blocks, despite the elaborate documentation. Fitting well on multiple screens and browsers, the template is significantly a brilliant selection. There are several charts such as Morris, Flot to grab the needed ones from the set of multiple charts. Also, it has three maps, multi-level drop-down, and a complete arrangement for creating forms.

free bootstrap admin dashboard

Impressive Functionality

Admin BSB might be your best option if you demand a free Bootstrap admin dashboard template. All of the latest browsers are compatible with the template. Not only that, it has several ready pages for sign up and sign in, error, forgot password and a totally blank page. From three different maps, you can select one. Ready widgets, form elements, and label styles also can be used proficiently. You can follow the documentation to get help for installation process. The main task for a developer would be selecting the design block and put them in one’s preferred order. Admin BSB is easy to use and truly working that’s a perfect suit for pro users.

Modular Bootstrap 4 Admin Template


Noteworthy Features:

  • On Hover Animation
  • Multi-browser Support
  • 4 Set Of Charts
    1. Morris
    2. Flot
    3. ChartJS
    4. Sparkline
    5. Jquery Knob
  • Multiple Pages
  • Collapsible Navbar
  • 3 Maps Included
    1. Google Map
    2. YandaxMap
    3. jVectorMap
  • Multilevel Menu
  • Image Gallery and Carousel
  • Card Widgets
    1. Basic
    2. Colored
    3. No Header
  • Form Elements and Validation
  • 6 Different Styles in Infobox
  • 3 Label Styles


1 Customers Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

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Eye soothing design

by Niyati Bajaj 7 years ago

Deserve admiration for eye soothing design layout.

Got something to discuss?

Alex S
4 years 10 months ago

Any chance there’s a Sketch or Adobe XD file for this template to aid in prototyping?

Alex S
4 years 10 months ago

Any chance there’s a Sketch or Adobe XD file for this template to aid in prototyping?

Arif Kabir
4 years 10 months ago

Thank you for reaching out.

Please contact the author for any support. The link is here

5 years 11 months ago

It’s been a while since the last comment.

I think this is the best looking template I’ve seen, hands down. However, I’m struggling to make necessary changes for check boxes. They require a label tag with a matching for and sometimes they don’t work.

Arif Kabir
5 years 11 months ago

Hey Rob,

Thank you for your appreciation. I am afraid you are talking about project specific customization, unfortunately we do not provide support for that.


5 years 11 months ago

It’s been a while since the last comment.

I think this is the best looking template I’ve seen, hands down. However, I’m struggling to make necessary changes for check boxes. They require a label tag with a matching for and sometimes they don’t work.

Arif Kabir
5 years 11 months ago

Hey Rob,

Thank you for your appreciation. I am afraid you are talking about project specific customization, unfortunately we do not provide support for that.


soul shaker
6 years 11 months ago

how can I increase the scroll bar width for side menu

Moscow Chikane
7 years 3 months ago

This templates is an effort saver. Well thought out design

Sadiq Ahmad
7 years 3 months ago

Yes, it is. Thanks for admiration.


Admin BSB – Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard

1 customers reviews

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Release Date:
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G?ray Yarar

ThemeWagon Inc 2025