Tools is a free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 UI Kit template. It is one of the best UI Kits available on the market. Chock-filled with sophisticated goodies and elements which are ready-made and can be used right now. Different styles, shapes, and colors of each component are available in the theme.
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 UI Kit Template
It is fully responsive and optimized for all the latest browsers. Plus, handy options like Buttons, Alerts, Forms, Drop-down, Inputs, Progress bars, Checkboxes, Pagination, Navigation, and a whole lot more components are packed inside the box. Create with Tools to get a website quickly and without wasting time and effort.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- Clean and minimal design
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Fully responsive
- Multi-page template
- Drop-down
- Modals
- Sticky navigation
- Modal
- Bootstrap carousel
- Badges
- Call to action button
- Card login form
- Basic and custom buttons
- Inputs and forms
- Navigations
- Pagination
- Pop-overs & Tool-tips
- Date-picker
- Checkboxes, Radioboxes, & Toggle switch
- Sliders & Tabs
- Progress bars
- Icomoon font icons
In The Box
- All demo images
- 2 HTML files
- CSS & SCSS files
- Font Icons
- JavaScript source files
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
Thank you for downloading Tools.
Here are three recommended free HTML5 templates for you.
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License- Open source
- Use in commercial projects
- Life time free updates

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