Deskapp is a free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive admin dashboard template. It is a multi-page theme with clean, minimal and elegant design. It also follows all the latest web trends and rules for admin dashboard. Moreover, it has two dashboard styles along with Highchart, jQuery knob, and jvectormap charts. There are six additional pre-built authenticating pages included with it.
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive admin dashboard template
Besides, Deskapp comes with features like calendar, datatables, image cropper, image dropzone, HTML5 editor, form wizard, progress bar, range slider to name a few. Deskapp is the perfect template for web application, backend for websites, admin panel, and control panels. Craft your project with Deskapp and make a trendy admin dashboard.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- 2 dashboard styles
- Sticky top and sidebar navigation
- Multi-level drop-down menu
- Custom scrollbar
- Notification
- Breadcrumbs
- Image cropper and dropzone
- Progressbar
- Tooltip and popovers
- Range slider
- Carousel
- Calendar
- Basic and datatable
- Form wizard
- HTML5 editor
- FontAwesome, Foundation, Ionicons, and Themify font icons
- 7 authenticating pages with a video player
- Highchart, jQuery knob, jvectormap charts
- Pricing table
- Fancybox image gallery
- Chat and inbox UI
- Gulp based workflow
In The Box
- All demo images
- 50+ PHP files
- Font icons
- JavaScript source files
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- FontAwesome
- Ionicons
- Themify
- Moment Js
- Clipboard Js
- Cropperjs
- Datatables
- Dropzone
- Fancybox 3
- Fullcalendar
- Highcharts
- Ion-rangeslider
- jQuery Knob
- Mcustom scrollbar
- Plyr
- Select2
- Slick Slider
Thank you for downloading Deskapp.
Here are three recommended free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive admin dashboard templates.
Deskapp – Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 responsive admin dashboard template
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1 Customers Reviews
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Awesome template
by wilmer 5 years ago
I liked very much to work with this template. The features included are simply exceptional. Thanks to the creator.