Mark is a free multi-page Bootstrap 4 template for personal portfolio website. It is suitable for professional web developers, web designers, or creative professionals. This one has an impactful dark style design in the hero header area. It is made with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to provide users the highest flexibility. You will find more free templates and related blogs here in ThemeWagon. Mark can quickly build a visually appealing and effective presentation of your talents, projects, and services. It looks perfect on any device without any fault for its high responsiveness.
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website template
Besides, it comes with a lot of modern features like hero header, sticky top navigation bar, call to action button, accordions, drop-down menu, and many more. Some useful extra pages bundle with this template like project details, terms conditions, privacy policy, and other pages which can be customized as per your requirements. Designers and developers will be able to customize this template easily with basic web coding skills. So, start your project with Mark and show your work.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully responsive
- Cross browser compatibility
- Multiple page template
- Fixed top navigation bar
- Call to action button
- On hover effects
- Hero header
- Dropdown Menu
- Project showcase
- Accordions
- Service page
- Testimonial carousel
- Back to top button
- Contact form
- Font awesome
- Google fonts
- Footer navigation
In the box
- 4 HTML Pages
- All demo images
- HTML5 & CSS files
- Font icons
- JavaScript source files
- Library & plugin files
Libraries & Plugins
Thank you for downloading Mark.
Here are three recommended free Bootstrap templates for you:
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