Navbar is a standard user interface component that allows users to navigate websites quickly and comfortably. It is considered as one of the most important aspects of any website. It is a part of a graphical user interface designed to make the whole site surfing much easier for visitors. Navbar helps visitors to understand any website’s content by browsing through the navigation bar. For providing an amazing user interaction, you should maintain a consistent, clear, well-organized, and modern navigation design. This increases user’s confidence and convenience when they visit your site.
For a well-organized navbar, you should be careful about some key points. The navbar needs to look consistent, and if there is a logo in it, it should be linked to the main page. Place the navigation system at the top of the page, and for a better user experience, develop a sticky navigation system, which means that the website navbar remains fixed at the top of the page even when visitors scroll.
If users can not navigate your site properly, they will leave your site quickly, so you need to be extra careful about the navbar. Good navigation is an effective approach for improving website design and increasing page engagement. Keep in mind that your website’s navbar should be user-friendly along with other characteristics because it is how users browse your website and explore.
Let’s learn how to create a simple navbar with only HTML and CSS. If you once know the process, you can easily make any kind of navbar according to your need. Let’s see the process.
Step 1: First of all, we must create an HTML file and then write some basic HTML code within the HTML file.
Step 2: The nav tag must be defined in the body tag in this stage. Then we must create unordered list items inside the nav tag.
Step 3: After that, we have to define names that we want to show in the navbar through the a tag inside the li tag.
Step 4: In our navbar we must now use CSS code to specify some style. First, we have to style the body and header sections.
Step 5: Following that, we’ll design our list items, and the final output of our HTML file will look like this:
Final Output:
In the following article, you’ll find 30+ user-friendly, responsive, and customizable navbars collections. These navbars collections are absolutely free and built with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap. You can easily use these navigation bar templates in your project. Let’s have a look.
1. Creative Drop-Down Nav bar
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Menubar Drop Down Style With CSS by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
This navigation bar is a great option for a website. It is created using just HTML and CSS. No dependency, you may simply use this navbar for your project.
2. Simple Responsive Menubar
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Responsive Dropdown Navigation Bar by Amy Kotas (@kotasowa)
on CodePen.
It is a simple responsive navigation bar. This navigation menubar is built with HTML and CSS. It has dependency upon jQuery, so be careful when you use this navigation bar template. It’s created by Amy Kotas.
3. Navigation bar with drop-down
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Awesome responsive navigation menu bar by Kanha Sahu (@kanhasahu)
on CodePen.
This navigation bar is for you if you’re searching for a navigation bar that is built in a contemporary manner for your website. It has a drop-down menu function built in to it. There is no dependency on jQuery. This navbar was built by Kanha Sahu.
4. Responsive Animated Menu Concept
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Responsive Animated Navbar GSAP ! by Ahmed Riad (@ahmedriad1)
on CodePen.
This navigation bar is a fullscreen navigation bar that was created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript built by Ahmed Riad. It has a smooth animation effect and is 100% responsive. You may change the zoom in and out by clicking on the 1x or.5x buttons on the toolbar. There are no dependencies, all you need to do is include a javascript file.
5. Fullscreen Menu Bar
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Fullscreen Menu Enter by alphardex (@alphardex)
on CodePen.
Another beautiful fullscreen navbar built with only HTML and CSS. No dependency for this navigation bar template, use this without any hassle in your project. It’s provided by alphardex.
6. CSS3 Responsive Menu Dropdown
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CSS3 Responsive Menu Dropdown + Submenu width Logo by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
Fully responsive menu bar with a beautiful color combination. You can see the desktop version by clicking the button .5x. It’s built with HTML, CSS, and javascript.
7. Responsive Bootstrap 4 menu(light/dark)
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Responsive Bootstrap 4 menu – light/dark by Ivan Grozdic (@ig_design)
on CodePen.
This one is a modern navbar style built with the latest frontend framework Bootstrap 4. It’s 100% responsive with light/dark modes. Click .5x button to see the desktop version. Created by Ivan Grozdic.
8. Bootstrap navbar
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Bootstrap navbar with collapsible search form by Muluneh Awoke (@muluneh)
on CodePen.
It’s a simple and minimalistic Bootstrap navigation bar. This one is 100% responsive, and there is a dependency upon jQuery. This Bootstrap navbar created by Muluneh Awoke.
9. Responsive navbar by Bootstrap
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bootstrap 4 navbar by Piyush (@piyushpd)
on CodePen.
It has a unique style and fits all the latest devices perfectly for its responsiveness. It comes with a beautiful animation effect. This navbar created by Piyush and it’s built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
10. Burger Menubar with Full Screen
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Another menu concept by Rune Sejer Hoffmann (@RSH87)
on CodePen.
This navbar is a fullscreen navigation bar with a burger menu. You can use it in your project because it’s highly customizable. Rune Sejer Hoffmann is the one who designed it.
11. Simple navbar by bootstrap
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Responsive navbar by bootstrap by Muhammed Fathi (@Hendawy)
on CodePen.
It is a simple navigation bar built with Bootstrap framework. It’s 100% responsive and you can add logo in the logo area. To use this navbar you have to add Bootstrap CDN. Muhammed Fathi was the author of this snippet.
12. Bootstrap Responsive Navbar Collection
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Bootstrap Navbar – Material Design & Bootstrap 4 by MDBootstrap (@mdbootstrap)
on CodePen.
It’s a collection of bootstrap navbar. It comes with variety of colors and you can choose any of them for your project. This navbars are 100% responsive and highly customizable. MDBootstrap provided this beautiful navbar collection.
13. Bootstrap Navigation Bar
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Navbar by Mustafa Omar (@themustafaomar)
on CodePen.
It’s a Bootstrap navigation bar that’s basic and minimalistic built by Mustafa Omar. This one is entirely responsive, and it dependent on jQuery. It has a great features that is drop-down option.
14. Animated Responsive Navbar
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Responsive Navbar Animated by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
It’s a responsive navigation bar with animation effect. This one is built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. It has dependency upon jQuery.
15. Responsive Navbar Animated
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Responsive Menu Bar by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
For a website, this Bootstrap navigation bar is a wonderful choice. It has a distinct look and feels great on all of the current smartphones thanks to its responsiveness. It includes drop-down menu and a lovely animation effect.
16. Responsive HTML & CSS Navbar
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responsive css navbar by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
This navigation bar is 100% responsive and it’s fixed in the top. It comes with beautiful hover effects and color combination. It is built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
17. Navigation Menu Bar
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Navigation Menu Bar by Sayem Miaji (@sayem-miaji)
on CodePen.
It’s a simple navigation bar with background image. There is a sliding effect for mobile version. No dependency, its built with only using HTML, CSS and designed by Sayem Miaji.
18. Navbar With Animation
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responsive animated navbar & animated shapes in background by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
The navbar is a full screen navigation bar containing the burger menu. Because it is very configurable, you may utilize it in your project. It has a beautiful animation effects. It’s developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
19. Creative Drop-Down Menubar
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CodePen Challenge – August 2019 [week 2] by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
It’s a stylish navigation bar with creative drop-down menu features. This navbar built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It’s designed by Carson Monroe.
20. Navigation bar with Icon
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Vertical icon navigation with slide-out menu by nikhil (@nikhil)
on CodePen.
This one is targeted at those who want a minimalist design with a slide-in menu from the left. It’s created by Nikhil and built with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
21. Full-page navigation bar
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Full-page navigation by Cassandra Rossall (@cassandraPaige)
on CodePen.
This is a full page navigation bar and it comes with beautoful animation effects. It’s built with using only HTML and CSS. Designed by Cassandra Rossall.
22. Hamburger Menubar
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Hamburger Menu 2 by Yuhomyan (@yuhomyan)
on CodePen.
Another lovely fullscreen navbar made entirely with HTML and CSS. This navbar has no dependencies, therefore you may use it in your project without worry. It’s creator name is Yuhomyan.
23. Navigation with Sub-Navigation
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CodePen Challenge: Navigation with Sub-Navigation by Cassidy Williams (@cassidoo)
on CodePen.
It comes with beautiful hover effects and drop-down option.No dependencies, you can easily use this navbar. Built by Cassidy Williams.
24. Fullscreen Navigation
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Fullscreen Navigation by Rob McFadzean (@breadz)
on CodePen.
Another awesome full screen navigation bar with beautiful red background and hover effects. It’s developed by Rob McFadzean.
25. Navigation with Animation Effect
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Fullscreen Navigation by Marcus Bizal (@marcbizal)
on CodePen.
It is built with HTML, CSS and Javascript. For the animation effect you have to add a javascript file in your project if you want to use it. This navigation bar designed by Marcus Bizal.
26. Material Design Responsive Menu
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Material Design Responsive Menu by Wisnu ST (@wisnust10)
on CodePen.
This navbar comes with trendy features like drop-down navigation bar, hover effects, 100% responsive. It’s designed by Wisnu ST.
27. Responsive menu with logo
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Responsive menu with logo by Elena Nazarova (@nazarelen)
on CodePen.
The navigation bar is basic and minimalist. This one is completely responsive and no dependency on jQuery, built with only HTML and CSS. It’s created by Elena Nazarova.
28. Bootstrap Navigation Bar
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Bootstrap Navigation Bar by Md. Rejaul Karim (@rejaulkarim)
on CodePen.
This Bootstrap navigation bar is an excellent choice for any website. A lengthy drop-down list with clickable buttons is included in this design. There is also sign-in and sign-up button in the right corner of the navigation bar. Developed by Md. Rejaul Karim.
29. Simple Responsive Navbar with Logo
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simple responsive navbar by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
It is a simple navigation bar made with only HTML and CSS. No dependencies upon jQuery.
30. Navigation Bar with Background
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Beautiful navigation bar by Shusom (@shusom229)
on CodePen.
It comes with a background image and dropdown option. No dependencies, you can easily use this navbar in your project.
Check this Out:
100 FREE Best One Page Responsive Bootstrap HTML5 Templates of All Time
23 Free & Premium HTML5 Admin Dashboard Responsive Templates of 2018
Due to the fact that a navigation bar is an essential component of any website or app, having a well-designed navigation bar is critical for achieving higher SEO rankings. This previously stated collection of free menu bar examples is simple to customize and may help to expedite the building process. Select a menu from this collection to improve the user experience as well as the SEO content score.
If you liked this post on the navbar collection, you might be interested in this one on Login/Sign up Form To Compliment Your Website 2021.