Safs – One-page free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website template for web developer, web and graphic designer
Hey, are you looking for a personal portfolio website template for a web developer or graphics designer? If yes, you are in the right place. We have Safs – a one-page free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website template for web developer, graphic designer or creative agency to showcase your professional skills. Its creative design; fifteen unique and clean layouts with interactive animations are just eye-catchy. Specially designed to fit every screen and for every device.
One-page free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website template for web developer, web designer, graphic designer or creative agency
Safs is based on Bootstrap 4 framework which makes it responsive. At the same time, the well-commented code is certainly going to make your customization like a knife through butter! That’s not enough, latest features and assets like hero header, typewriter text, skill-bars, testimonial carousel, fun fact counters bundled in the box. Besides, a working contact form, single blog page are some of the ready-made assets which is going to save your precious time. Guys, you will definitely love the beautifully animated portfolio grid with the modal view.
Build a personal portfolio website with Safs, have fun while crafting, Cheers!!
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- One-page template
- Unique and clean layouts
- Hero header with typewriter text
- Animated sticky top navigation with scroll-spy
- On hover animation on service cards
- Animated CSS3 preloader
- Lightbox Portfolio grid
- Smooth scroll
- Ghost button
- Testimonial carousel
- Fun fact counter
- Pricing table
- Font awesome icon
- Accordions
- Skill bar
- Working contact form with HTML5 validation
- Blog section
In The Box
- All demo images
- 3 HTML files
- 1 PHP file
- CSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Plugins and library files
- Font icons
Libraries and plugins
Thank you for downloading Safs.
Here are three recommended one-page free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website templates for web developer, web designer or graphic designer.
Got something to discuss?
You are free to customize. But please read the license carefully before editing the theme.
I love this theme. Can I add a larger or pop description component to the portfolio section?
You are free to customize. But please read the license carefully before editing the theme.
so nice thanks
I love this theme. I have one question. How can I change the title animation? I want it to say “Art Director. Graphic Designer. I can’t seem to locate a way to change that text.
This. Template. Is. Amazing. And beautiful.
I’m learning code and this is a wonderful way for me to have a great professional site and brush up on my skills at the same time. I would have gladly pay for this template. Thank you!
Thank you
I was searching for the right website since a year now, and i finally found it, thanks a million
Thank you
A wonderful theme, i want to use this theme on my official business website, is it free or i have to pay somewhere?
It is absolutely free.
A wonderful theme, i want to use this theme on my official business website, is it free or i have to pay somewhere?
It is absolutely free.
Safs – One-page free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 personal portfolio website template for web developer, web and graphic designer
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License- Open source
- Use in commercial projects
- Life time free updates

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