Minimus – Free HTML5 Bootstrap Personal Portfolio Template

2 customers reviews

Thinking about your online presence? Among a lot of ways for achieving that, creating a personal portfolio website is one and it’s an established one. Minimus is a Free Responsive Personal Portfolio Template ready for creating such a website.

About This Free Responsive Personal Portfolio Template

Minimus is a feature enriched free HTML5 template. It has clean and minimalistic design and is clearly visible on a pure white background. This is a multipage free html template which includes 7 demo pages. At first, it begins with the homepage which is quite fascinating itself. It includes an eye-catchy dynamic text display, thanks to Typed.js plugin. It also showcases majority of your works in a beautiful masonry layout.

The burger menu becomes sticky when you scroll and using this you can browse anywhere in the template. For example, let’s talk about the “about me” page. This page enables you to have a brief description about yourself with a photo being aligned on the left side. Besides, it includes a progress bar. Surely, this page helps visitors get more ideas about you.

Some other pages worth mentioning are Work page, Blog page and Contact page. Work page displays even more details about your works. It has an artistic isotope based masonry gallery layout to offer. Each of the images shown uncovers with an alluring hover animation while clicking over them reveals a magnified image. Modern plugins like magnific pop-up and custom CSS animations make these possible.

Additionally, modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework not only makes the overall experience smooth but also ensures responsiveness across all the devices. So, by using this Free Bootstrap Template, your site will have the same elegant appearance on all available screen sizes out there. At last, there is a contact form UI built-in. Though it is not working, the UI is ready for use.

Key Features

  • Burger Menu
  • Hover Effect
  • Progress Bar
  • Sticky Header
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Contact Form UI
  • Device Responsive
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • Multi-page Template
  • Dynamic Text Display
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Magnific Image Pop-up
  • Isotope-masonry Layout
  • Clean & Minimalistic Design
  • Animated Social Media Icons


Package Inside the Box

  • 1 CSS File
  • 7 HTML Files
  • Demo Images
  • Uncompressed Javascript File
  • Icons pack from FontAwesome and Pe-icon




Suggested Readings

Any website template is a great time saver and ThemeWagon contains ample of them. Moreover, if you need portfolio templates specifically, we have them in stock too. In addition, the premium templates we offer are truly quality checked and great value for money!

2 Customers Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

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by Oscar Leach 6 years ago

This template is so feasible to edit and work with. Love it.

Cool theme

by Jordan Francis 6 years ago

Great work done by the guys! I am using it on my portfolio site and it looks fabulous

Got something to discuss?

Chaudhari Mahammad
3 years 3 months ago

Hi thanks for giving such a professional template in free of cost

Chaudhari Mahammad
3 years 3 months ago

Hi thanks for giving such a professional template in free of cost


Minimus – Free HTML5 Bootstrap Personal Portfolio Template

2 customers reviews

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2 years ago
Release Date:
6 years ago
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ThemeWagon Inc 2021