React Reduction – Free React Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

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React Reduction is a free admin dashboard template made with the latest technologies like Bootstrap 4 and React framework. It is a top-graded admin theme for admin dashboard, software backend, admin panel, etc. Moreover, React Reduction has all the necessary options to facilitate users with the utmost service. Collapsing sidebar, breadcrumbs, drop-down menu, widgets, contents, custom components everything is in the package.

Free React Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

React Reduction is fully responsive and shows up perfect on any device regardless of its screen size. Besides, other features like charts and cards are also coming with it. For example – Bar, Stacked line, Combo line/bar, Pie, Doughnut, Polar, Radar charts and gradient styled cards. Easy to use custom components like button, forms, input groups, badges and alerts are there in the box. Make your dashboard with React Reduction and save time with effort.

Key Features

  • Bootstrap 4
  • React framework
  • Clean and minimal design
  • Fully responsive
  • Gradient style
  • Collapsible sidebar
  • Drop-down menu
  • Search box
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Widgets
  • 2 pre-built authentication pages
  • Modal login form
  • Custom buttons and tables
  • Custom input field groups
  • Badges, Alerts, Progress bars
  • Bar, Line, Pie, Doughnut, Combo line/bar charts
  • Stacked, Polar and Radar charts
  • Custom forms

In The Box

  • All demo images
  • 2 HTML files
  • CSS & SCSS files
  • JavaScript source files
  • Library and plugin files

Libraries and Plugins

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Got something to discuss?

ReactJS Training in Banaglore
3 years 7 months ago

Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details.

ReactJS Training in Banaglore
3 years 7 months ago

Pretty! This was a really wonderful post. Thank you for providing these details.

John Davis
4 years 5 months ago

It is good template.
I am developing web site using this template and it is free and good theme.

4 years 7 months ago

thank you

4 years 8 months ago

THE PROJECT IS COMPILED….i cant read the file and browse …how i can simple run the project

4 years 8 months ago



React Reduction – Free React Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

0 customers reviews

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3 years ago
Release Date:
5 years ago
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Ilkwon Sim

ThemeWagon Inc 2021