Hola is a modern and stylish free HTML5 professional portfolio website template. This one-page tool is designed to be a personal resume, portfolio. It’s a perfect tool for creative designers, developers, freelancers, photographer or any creative profession alike. It is a responsive and retina ready template. It will look great on any devices from desktop to mobile phones. Clean and well-organized code, with easy to customize feature. A single blog page is in the box.
Free HTML5 professional portfolio website template
Parallax background header is looking so lovely in Hola. Sticky navigation is smoothly navigating through pages. Photoswipe portfolio grid with a modal view also comes with Hola. There are a lot more features like skill bar, fun fact counter; testimonials are also packed in the package of Hola. So, unpack the surprises and start crafting with Hola.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.5
- One-page template
- Animated CSS3 preloader
- Retina ready
- Animated hero header
- Animated sticky top navigation bar with scroll spy
- Parallax background
- Skill bars
- Portfolio grid with hover effect
- Testimonial carousel
- Ghost button
- Animated stats section
- Blog section
- Scroll down button on header
- Back to top button
- 20+ UI elements
- Hundreds of icon fonts
- Working contact form with validation
In The Box
- All demo images
- 4 HTML files
- CSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Font icons
- Plugins and libraries
Libraries and Plugins
- Libre Baskerville
- Montserrat
- Iconic
- Gratisography
- Unsplash
- jQuery Placeholder
- JQueryModernizr
- Slick Slider
- Parallax JS
- Imagesloaded
- Waypoints
- jQuery Validation Plugin
Thank you for downloading Hola.
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