Ready for a brand new free HTML template? Today, we have a Free HTML5 Agency Template to offer – “Creative Agency”. A responsive, free website template ready to fit any creative, digital or small business agency’s website.
About This Free HTML5 Agency Template
Creative Agency is a classic example of a small agency template. Though it looks like a single-page template at first glance, it actually includes a different page for blog posts also. So, it’s application increases even more. With this free Bootstrap template, not only you can design a creative website but also maintain your company’s blog posts too! The template starts with a bold and beautiful full-screen background header image. A lovely animated navigation panel gets sticky on top. And when you scroll, awesome features like full customizability, responsiveness waits to embrace you.
CSS animation creates eye-catchy on-hover animation on several sections. In the portfolio portion, hovering over images reveal more options and by clicking over, you’ll get a magnified view. Thanks to some cool js plugins! Therefore, this simple template contains multiple important sections. An about section, services section, team section are some examples. Moreover, a necessary pricing table also comes with the layout.
Now, as a Bootstrap template, it ensures cross-browser compatibility and device responsiveness all throughout. It also contains some modern features like a carousel, smooth scroll, back to top button etc. Icons are rendered from Font Awesome icons. Lastly, this professional product includes a contact form too. Though you have to make it working with your own resources. Nevertheless, the structure is ready for use.
- Owl Carousel
- Team Section
- Contact Form
- Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Magnific Pop-up
- Count-up Counter
- Multiple Sections
- Device Responsive
- Back to Top Button
- On-hover Animation
- FontAwesome Icons
- Pricing Table Built-in
- Sticky Navigation Bar
- Custom jQuery Plugin
- Cross Browser Support
- Smooth Scrolling Effect
- Animated Social Media Icons
- Full-screen Background Header Image
Package Inside the Box
- Images
- CSS Files
- 2 HTML Files
- Fontawesome Icons Pack
- Uncompressed Javascript Files
Suggested Readings
Looking for more Free HTML5 templates? Just click on the link before. ThemeWagon also sells some stunning premium templates. Check out our marvelous product Elixir for more.
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2 Customers Reviews
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simply beautiful
by Corey Donnelly 7 years ago
The quality of this theme is very good. It looks like a premium theme but is absolutely free! very happy to get it
Attractive design
by Joseph T. Wise 7 years ago
Attractive design and workable features.