Boxus – Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template for Agency, Web Design, and Software Company
Here we present Boxus, a fresh, innovative, vibrant, and one page free creative agency website template. It’s stunning because of its unique layout which is responsive, as well. On the top of that, it comes up with the latest JavaScript plugins which make the template more efficient and robust. Keep in mind that, an illuminating and awe-inspiring free HTML template reduces time-consuming and increases productivity. Download Boxus and finish the project you have been dreaming for days.
About Boxus – Free Creative Agency Website Template
Let’s get to know about the creative agency website template, Boxus. First of all, it has a fantastic structure to attract users’ attention. Second, it will assist your site to appear awesomely on different screens. Third, this is one of the best digital agency website templates which applies to various niches: advertisement company, creative agency, design studio, personal and portfolio website. Moreover, if you can utilize the 10 unique sections, 2 single portfolio styles, and other impressive options – a modern website creation is just a matter of time.
These are the well-organized, beautifully designed, and core parts of this free HTML5 template: home, services, portfolio, about, news, video, skills, and contact. Show your works in the portfolio gallery to earn trust from the new users. Of course, the vivid colors and engaging typography are two mentionable features of Boxus, the free website template. Also, it carries a PHP file for contact form validation, which is a considerable benefit. Above all, the unique boxed layout style will help you stand out from the typical design standard.
As you can add a video to the respective section, so you can insert team details with a compelling slider. Finally, Boxus will not leave you out there without any guidance. It’s required that you have the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and jQuery. Then, the help is on your way via the documentation file it provides to understand different parts of it. Describing several CSS classes, explaining how to configure the sliders and mail as well as other relevant information available.
- Creative Agency Template
- Sticky Navbar
- One Page
- On-hover Animation
- Team Slider
- Video Section
- Google Maps
- Social Media Icons
- Working Contact Form
- Colorful Interface
- Font Awesome Icons
- Bright Color Scheme
- 10 Sections
Into the box
- 3 HTML Files
- 6 CSS Files
- 14 JavaScript Files
- Demo Images
- 1 PHP File
- 1 PDF Documentation
- Sticky Plugin
- jQuery
- Google Fonts
- Sticky Kit
- PrettyPhoto
- Isotope
- Easing
- Mousewheel
- TouchSwipe
- Smart Menus
In the end
You’re longing for an appropriate solution to build awesome websites. Our incredibly designed premium HTML5 templates will take you there. Check out Freya; it’s made for the interior and architectural design firms. Another marvelous product is Posh which has the multipurpose capability to create many websites using the layouts it provided readily.
Note: Images for demo purposes only.
Got something to discuss?
good design and move
Hello,thank you for the theme.In the contact page,i add an column for checkbox options,can you help me how to get the value using JQuery?
I am afraid you are talking about project specific customization. We do not provide any project specific customization. Thank you.
I like your template, and I used and modified. Unfortunately, now I need to put it in WordPress… but Is not possible. I saw some people resells your free template when is in wordpress, but is free in html.
I can’t understand why.
Have you the template in wordpress, or must I change my template by other?
Thanks a lot.
We do not transform html templates into WordPress sites.
The download wont send to my email adress plss help
Hello, i was interested to your theme , it look really nice but i see there is some bug, even in live preview,
on section-title-holder ( the box with numbers ) fotns are too big and so text is all outside.. i see same error on different part of the page ( ps my zoom is set to 100% )
We will look into it.
Go to the template page and there is a “Get Download Link” button on right-top of the page, enter your email address and click that button. Template will be sent to your email inbox.
How to get these temp-let’s i can’t able to download them.
Go to the template page and there is a “Get Download Link” button on right-top of the page, enter your email address and click that button. Template will be sent to your email inbox.
Thank you.
it’s very nice for me to use this great tool to creat our websit
Thank you.
Yes you can use without paying.
nice template design …can i use this for my personal app..please let me know do i need to pay anything or it’s free for use
Yes you can use without paying.
Yeah, it’s possible.
Hi…great work!!!
is it possible to show the hash id in the url when I click on the menu and when I scroll(ex: index.html#home, index.html#services, index.html#portfolio…)?
Yeah, it’s possible.
There is no link to download, then how can i download?
Hello, if you don’t have Twitter access, ask for the template. We can give you it in an alternative way. You don’t need to be crazy. Thank you.
Hello Sadiq,
Thank you for your reply?
So? do you think to let the template with these bugs?
Hello friend, thanks for your great insight on the template’s code structure. You know what. It’s a free template from the third party. When we add a template like this we try to make sure the quality of the product is very high. But for little bugs, we don’t give a clear attention. Still, they surely add value to our readers, we believe.
I just checked in the code and there is the anchor to portfolio. It is working correctly with Google Chrome but the bug is with Firefox. My version of FF is 60.0b6 (64 bits).
The bug of bar menu still on Chrome and Firefox too.
I just checked in the code and there is the anchor to portfolio. It is working correctly with Google Chrome but the bug is with Firefox. My version of FF is 60.0b6 (64 bits).
The bug of bar menu still on Chrome and Firefox too.
Hello Colorlib,
Thank you for this great and beautiful template !
I have 2 little bugs to report: One on menu bar and other one in single portfolio.
– The menu bar have a original color but if we scroll in the website and come back to the top, the menu bar do not come back to the original color but still with the color of id=services, the first chapter.
– When we close the pages single portfolio with the button, we come back at top of page index. Does there is not a possibility to send back at the anchor #portfolio and people do not have to scroll down again to come back at portfolio section?
Without this little bugs, the design is great and works well on ipad too. i did not try on smartphone but the code looks very clear, so i trust you 🙂
Thanks again.
Hello Sadiq,
Thank you for your reply?
So? do you think to let the template with these bugs?
Hello friend, thanks for your great insight on the template’s code structure. You know what. It’s a free template from the third party. When we add a template like this we try to make sure the quality of the product is very high. But for little bugs, we don’t give a clear attention. Still, they surely add value to our readers, we believe.
Boxus – Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template for Agency, Web Design, and Software Company
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2 Customers Reviews
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by Ashok Koduru 7 years ago
Amazing free theme! The template is flawless from top to bottom. Stunning effects and animations boost it’s beauty. Especially, I loved the scroll effect. Extremely thankful to the makers
by Ajinkya Himesh Khurana 7 years ago
I own a software firm. My employees are happy with it.