Notika is free Bootstrap admin dashboard template for web applications, control panel and admin panel for backend for any website. It is responsive and highly customizable horizontal site canvas. Moreover, It comes with all the basic, advanced features. Notika has a modern and stylish design with easy to work with and customize code structure.
Free Bootstrap admin dashboard template
Besides, Notika has four different style dashboards. There are features like animation, google map, data map, code editor, image cropper, wizards to name a few. Notika also has Flot charts, Line charts, Bar charts, and Area charts. Alerts, Modal, Tooltips, Accordions, Drop-down are some goodies. Craft your project with Notika and get these trendy features for free!
Key Features
- Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Multi-page template
- Clean and Minimal design
- Fully responsive
- 4 dashboard styles
- Line, bar, area, flot charts
- Chat and message interface
- Horizontal layout
- Google map
- Code editor
- Data map
- Animation
- Image Cropper
- Normal and data tables
- Forms with form elements and components
- Alert, Modal, Button, Tooltip, Drop-down, Popover
- Tab and Accordions
- 6 Authenticating pages
- FontAwesome font icons
- Extensive documentation
In The Box
- 40 HTML files
- CSS & SCSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Font icons
- Documentation
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
- Bootstrap v3.3.6
- FontAwesome
- Notika Custom Icons
- Sparklines
- Scrollbar
- TouchSpin
- Data Table
- Mapael
- Jvectormap
- RangeSlider
- Cropper
- Data Map
- CodeMirror
- Chosen
- Datetimepicker
- Dropzonejs
- Summernote
Thank you for downloading Notika.
Here are three recommended free Bootstrap admin dashboard templates.
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License- Open source
- Use in commercial projects
- Life time free updates

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1 Customers Reviews
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awesome template for admin and user dashboard system
by haris1192317043 3 years ago
All the modules which I was searching for were integrated into it and kind of different look than all other dashboards. Beautifully designed.