As the name indicates, Adventure is a Free HTML5 Template for travel and tourism-related websites. This free Bootstrap 4 travel website template has a clean and minimal UI while featuring a lot of modern and necessary technologies. Full-width banner image, multiple slider sections, contact form UI, FAQ, linked video are some sections worth to mention.
About Adventure, A Free Bootstrap 4 Travel Website Template
This free website template is built keeping the probable clients in mind. So, they get a stunning look right the moment they land on your site. The full-screen banner image receives the credit. The good impression is carried through as the client scrolls through and the animated navigation menu becomes sticky along with your company’s logo on it. Later, there are several image sliders and each of them poses different styles. There are 3 different image sliders in total, each of them is eye-catchy and unique.
On-hover animation on features section, the count-up counter is also attractive. Furthermore, The section where you can play an linked video can be used for enrichment as well. There is an email subscription box built-in along with a contact form UI. A PHP mailer file comes within the downloaded package to make that form working. A generic page and an element page is also included to get a better grasp on the template. Additionally, SCsS files are available inside the package if you intend to do a further modification. Lastly, this free Bootstrap template is based on Bootstrap 4. This modern framework makes sure this Bootstrap template supports every screen size and modern web browser.
Adventure’s Features
- Owl Carousel
- Bootstrap 4 Beta
- Count-up Counter
- Device Responsive
- On-Hover Effects
- Sticky Navigation Bar
- Generic & Elements Page
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Email Subscription Form
- Full-Width Header Banner
- Smooth Scrolling Effect
- Animated Social Media Icons
- Section For Video Support
- Contact Form UI (PHP File Included)
Inside the Box of Adventure
- 3 HTML Files
- CSS & SCSS Files
- FontAwesome Icons Pack
- Demo Images From Unslpash
- Uncompressed Javascript Files
- A PHP File For Contact Form Interaction
- Slick.js
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- Unsplash
- Colorlib (Template Author)
Suggested Readings
ThemeWagon has lots and lots of high-quality niche specific templates that are able to impress anyone! For instance, several templates for Travel & Booking websites waits for your attention! Spend some time, explore all the free as well as premium templates available here. Don’t forget, check our blog for regular updates as well.
Got something to discuss?
Nice template . How to get it and for what $?
Great to know that you liked the template.
As it is a free template, you do not have to pay any penny for that.
Hi. Thank you for nice theme. But i have some problems:
1. Link from You tube can’t be open because of ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘sameorigin’.
2. Missed this file animate.min.css.
3. Backgrounds pictures don’t become responsive.
Does have any solution?
Thank you
Please visit this link for technical support
Is this responsive? Will it work on Mobile?
Yes, it is.
Is this responsive? Will it work on Mobile?
Yes, it is.
I can’t download this template even I tweeted in my twitter account.. why?
Hello, I downloaded this theme (Adventure) but I cant’t install it in WordPress because the style.css is missing. I’ve tried both the gui Upload and the manual installation but no good result was given. How can I solve this problem?
Sorry Marcello, this isn’t a WordPress theme so you can’t install it that way. Use it as an HTML template. Thank you.
Hello, I downloaded this theme (Adventure) but I cant’t install it in WordPress because the style.css is missing. I’ve tried both the gui Upload and the manual installation but no good result was given. How can I solve this problem?
Sorry Marcello, this isn’t a WordPress theme so you can’t install it that way. Use it as an HTML template. Thank you.
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