Elegant is a free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 creative business agency website template. It’s a one-page tool with seven unique layouts. You are getting some trendy features to build your creative business agency website faster with Elegant. Animated sticky navigation with scroll spy, call to action buttons, on-hover effects are some of them. Apart from that, It has a nice gradient overlay on the header with a fixed background image. Elegant also has beautiful typography and fonts like Google font and FontAwesome. Not finished yet! A working contact form with HTML5 validation is also included in the box, HURRAY!!
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 creative business agency website template
Latest features like the interactively animated portfolio grid and testimonial carousel come with Elegant. It is based on Bootstrap 4, so, you are getting a fully responsive tool. Because of its well-structured code, it is also easy to customize template. It is specially designed for business consultants as well as niches like design agency, small organizations, etc. Cheers!! Have freedom of creating your project with Elegant.
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.1.1
- One-page template
- Fully Responsive
- Modern, Flexible and Customizable
- Classic header with gradient overlay
- Animated sticky top navigation bar with scroll-spy
- Call to action buttons
- Service cards
- Google fonts, FontAwesome font icons
- Lightbox portfolio grid with a modal view
- Testimonial carousel
- Working contact form with HTML5 validation
In The Box
- All demo images
- 1 HTML file
- CSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Font icons
- Libraries and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
Thank you for your downloading Elegant.
Here are three recommended free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 creative business agency website templates.
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