Srtdash is a free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 admin dashboard template. It is a perfect match for the website admin and web-apps. Srtdash has a modern design with a beautiful, clean and minimal look. There is two different type of navigation bar styles and three unique home versions.
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 admin dashboard template
Srtdash comes with amazing features and assets. Bar, line, pie charts are integrated with Srtdash. Moreover, It contains lots of reusable UI components and plugins. Grid system, drop-down, accordions, list groups, modal, form are some significant components. Easy to customize and well-commented codes are in the bundle to make alteration smooth. Kickstart your project with Srtdash and explore more!
Key Features
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- Minimal and clean
- Fully responsive
- W3C validated code
- 3 Deferent home version
- 2 Unique navigation styles
- 46+ authentication pages
- Accordions
- Bar, pie, line charts
- Modal
- Progress bar
- Grid system
- Drop-down
- Basic and data tables
- Google map
- Invoice layout
- 3 pre-built error pages
- Multi-level menu
- FontAwesome font icons
- Compatible with all modern browsers and devices
- Extensive documentation
In The Box
- 47 HTML files
- CSS files
- Font icons
- JavaScript source files
- Documentation
- All the library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
- Bootstrap v4.1.0
- Peity Charts
- Sparklines
- Scrollbar
- TouchSpin
- JsTree
- Skycons
- Password Meter
- PDF Viewer
- Mapael
- jvectormap
- RangeSlider
- Cropper
- Data Map
- CodeMirror
- Chosen
- C3 And D3
- DateTimepicker
- x-editable
- Dropzonejs
- jQuery Form Validation
- Form Validation
- Mockjax
- Lobibox
- Summernote
Thank you for downloading Srtdash.
Here are three recommended free admin dashboard templates.
Got something to discuss?
Please can this dashboard be adapted for use with a payment website and how many currencies and languages does it support, is it possible to customize and add more and does it come with the user sign up/ on boarding account section or that has to be added?
Thank you.
How do I remove the login email validation as i do not use email to login.
<input type="text"
solved it
Does the layout support rtl
Free download
License- Open source
- Use in commercial projects
- Life time free updates

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