It’s good to see you here to get a free Bootstrap 4 fitness template. As you’re completely aware of the latest release of the world’s finest CSS framework, you must need some Bootstrap 4 templates. To make your project done successfully, a high-end HTML5 template is a fundamental requirement. If you’re looking for gym HTML templates free download then I must say this is the right place.
Many web development houses already released Bootstrap 4 based templates along with a great number of free versions. We’re trying to collect them and present on our site for our respected visitors. Both free and premium Bootstrap 4 templates are in our favorite list to add one by one, regularly.
Why Free Bootstrap Gym Template
No one can deny the importance of healthy lifestyle and proactive living. The enthusiasm of the conscious people led the trainers and nutritionists to create personal fitness websites. The proper information and essential guideline will help everyone becoming more aware of their health. With free fitness templates, one can easily build a beautiful and professional website ready to provide fitness care.
Free Bootstrap 4 Fitness Template
Fitness is a free bootstrap gym website template which is made of enthralling design and attractive color. It features a ton of modern qualities and serves better user experience. The one page layout and splendid design will help you create a website without much effort. Grab the attention of your audience easily by setting up this free website template with your content. Full-width header background, sticky top navigation, and other features are incorporated with it. Let’s start sharing your valuable thoughts with the world.
Get Your Site Ready With Quick Effort
Getting your body in the perfect shape is an interesting matter. Similarly, making a website is fun as well if you just choose Fitness. As you know, finding free fitness web templates with tip-top quality is the first and hard part towards building a website. Here comes our support always with high-grade templates. Let’s not get stumbled while we’re providing best-trait products for your smooth endeavor. Maintaining superb quality, this free bootstrap template will let anyone construct sites that would be responsive.
Built With Latest Tools
While other free HTML5 templates fall short regarding the quality and building technique, Fitness goes past all of them. It’s mainly because of the amazing Bootstrap 4 which makes the site responsive. Therefore, every device will show the site without any complication. Other features are also incredibly powerful which empowers the template to work fast and brilliant. For free yoga website templates download, pick Fitness with no dubiety in mind. It also has many sharp-edged and angled components for a vibrant design.
- Intuitive Design
- Sticky Top Navigation
- Bootstrap 4 Alpha V-6
- Full-width Header Background
- Slide-out Navigation in Mobile
- Totally Mobile Optimized
- Email Subcription Form
- User-friendly Layout
- Social Media Icons
- One Page Template
- Open Sans Fonts
- Vibrant Color
Into the box:
- 1 HTML File
- SCSS Files
- JavaScript Files
- 1 PSD File
- Demo Images
Fitness is the ultimate choice for the people who are looking for gym website HTML templates free download. Get more premium HTML5 templates from ThemeWagon. We also regularly update our blog with contemporary issues. Finally, for a top-grade free bootstrap 4 fitness template, download Fitness right away. Also, check Baikal, a clean startup template written with Bootstrap 4.
Got something to discuss?
Hey there! I’m working on making the finishing touches on this template for a client, but I am unable to find where I stick the email address so when someone uses the contact form the email will send to the desired address I set. Do I need to submit a ticket for this? Thanks!
@disqus_Isz7XYdbeQ:disqus, This template does not have any working php file so You will not get that. In the next version we will add php file.
You may submit a support ticket, Our support engineers will help you.
Hey there! I’m working on making the finishing touches on this template for a client, but I am unable to find where I stick the email address so when someone uses the contact form the email will send to the desired address I set. Do I need to submit a ticket for this? Thanks!
@disqus_Isz7XYdbeQ:disqus, This template does not have any working php file so You will not get that. In the next version we will add php file.
Is there one that I can pull of the internet or the developers can create one to insert? I really need this email function.
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1 Customers Reviews
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Great template
by John J. Paine 7 years ago
It provides all of necessary features which i wanted to create a website for a fitness center.Thumbs up team !!