FoodeiBlog is a free bootstrap template for food and recipe blog sites. A clean and minimal design with attention-grabbing looks makes the audience mesmerized. FoodeiBlog is fully responsive, and all set to get going out of the box, no need to ground-up things. This blog site canvas is made with the latest HTML5 technology and works flawlessly across all sorts of devices.
Free Bootstrap 4 HTML5 Responsive Blog Template
Moreover, FoodeiBlog is chock-full with handy options like burger menu, preloader, call to action button, drop-down menu, slider, to name a few. On top of that, you are getting a functional contact form with Google maps as add-ons. So, dig the template deep and create a nifty and outstanding project with FoodeiBlog.
Key Features
- Built on top of Bootstrap 4
- Clean and minimal design
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Fully responsive
- Multi-page template
- Slider on the header
- Hover effects
- Call to action button
- Burger menu
- CSS3 preloader
- Megamenu
- Custom Scrollbar
- Off-canvas navigation
- Off-canvas search option
- Breadcrumbs
- Google maps
- Newsletter subscription form
- Contact form
- FontAwesome font icons
In The Box
- All demo images
- 10 HTML files
- CSS & SCSS files
- JavaScript source files
- Font Icons
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
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Here are three recommended free HTML5 Bootstrap templates for you.
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