Ethan – A free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page personal portfolio website template for web developer, photographer, graphic designer
No matter what profession you have, Ethan will showcase your talent with creativity. It is a free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page personal portfolio website template for a web developer, photographer, graphic designer. Ethan has a minimal design plus a clean look. Its modern one-page layout with a full-screen background image gives it an aesthetic look.
Free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page personal portfolio website template for a web developer, photographer, graphic designer
Trendy features like CSS3 preloader, on-hover buttons, smooth scroll, accordion are some of them. Fully working contact form with custom JavaScript validation is in the pack. Ethan also comes with a smart portfolio grid with a modal view. Unpack it and start creating with Ethan because it is so easy to customize due to its commented codes. Here you go, craft your project with Ethan, have fun, Cheers!
Key Features
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- One-page template
- Animated CSS3 preloader
- Full-screen fixed background image
- On-scroll reveal animation
- In-page smooth scroll links
- Portfolio showcase with `modal` content view
- Accordion content
- Animated CSS3 button
- Font awesome icons
- Working Ajax/PHP Contact form with custom form validation
In The Box
- All demo images
- 1 HTML file
- CSS files
- JavaScript source files
- 1 PHP file
- Plugins and library files
- Font icons
Libraries and Plugins
Thank you for downloading Ethan.
Here are three recommended free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page personal portfolio website templates.
Ethan – A free Bootstrap HTML5 one-page personal portfolio website template for web developer, photographer, graphic designer
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